A Special Thank You!

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
Since it now appears that the 5th Birthday Bash forum is nearly done, I wanted to say a couple of things.

I have been around the IAP for a while now. I've seen it grow, and change, and develop. I feel a good, positive energy most every time I visit here. I believe this has become one of the best communities on the Internet.

I was in charge of the first Birthday Bashes, up until this year. Cav and Doc took over this year, and I have to say I couldn't be happier about what they did with the Birthday Bash this year! So my first big Thank You is to Cav and Doc.

Not running the whole Bash this year allowed me to concentrate on my favorite contest, the Ugly Pen Contest, and I think I did a better job of running it this year because of that. I also had less of that hair-pulling stress, and am hopefully healthier as a result. So again, thank you guys!

The whole Bash team this year was fabulous, and much better organized than ever before. What you all have done an amazing thing in running the many and varied aspects of this celebration! Kudos to you all, but especially to Ed and Dawn, Andrew and Becca! Finding and then allocating prizes is the non-glamorous part of the Bash, and you all have done such a good job of that this year! Thank You All!

But now the real reason I am posting this here. The IAP would be nothing without the great members we have here! It is because all of you choose to come to this particular web-site, and interact in the way you do, that makes this a special place. I am honored to know and associate with all of you! Thank you, THANK YOU all so much for coming when we opened the door. I felt like we had a good idea when we started this place, but it would have been for nothing if the greatest group of people in the world hadn't chosen the IAP as their web-community of choice! I am so lucky to have you all as friends! So this is my big thank you, to each and every IAP member - thank you for being part of our family!

I'll see you around for the Sixth Bash next year!

Scott, being relatively new here, I am proud to be a part of this great forum. Without which I do not believe I would be as far as I am in pen turning. Most of us are doers and thinkers but when you put all this knowledge and experience in one place one must sit in awe. There are some GREAT folks here. I also thank everyone here for allowing the rest of us to learn and share.

And I am counting the days till the next bash!

You and Jeff have done so much here that I was happy to take some of the stress off you two. I was battling some health issues in the run up to the Bash, and DocStram deserves the lions share of the credit for getting the Bash going.

I'm glad you and Jeff could take it a bit easier this year. Unless I come to my senses, I'll do my best to help you to enjoy the 6th Bash!
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