A Purple Question

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
I looked up what colour goes well with green and yellow and internet said purple.
I have not got used to the colour contrast, but what do you think? IMG_2574.JPGIMG_2575.JPG
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That's Barney.

I am a little biased since although I've use a bunch of Purple Heart, it is a wood I don't particularly like and in my opinion fades to a rather unattractive brownish fret.
The combinations look great Alan. I have to say the colors are over shadowed by the amazing intricacies of your segmenting. Very well done!
Really nice segmenting work. When looking for color combinations try the "color wheel". Start with the three primary colors used in printing: RED, BLUE and YELLOW. Then consider what two of them combined would create. Red and Blue make Purple, Blue and Yellow make Green and Yellow and Red make Orange. Arrange these in a circle of six triangles and you can see that opposites make good combinations.
Thanks Eugene. I never really got my head around the colour wheel, whether to use colours close together or opposite each other.
I got the purple info. from an interior colour matching app.

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