A Few Things I Learned Today

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You're a braver man than I, Wolf. LOML is Cherokee and if I tried something like that... well, those who know me know I have no hair to scalp, so she'd just CA a certain part of my anatomy to another rendering it ... let's just say less than functional for much of anything for awhile. How do I know this? She has already told me so. And I believe her.

This is the same woman who used a pocket knife to carve a deeply embedded fish hook out of her hand rather than going to the ER because, and I qoute, "*expletive* no! The fish are biting!" And she can gut, skin and butcher a deer with the best of them. And shoots as well as I do.

So why do I stay with such a dame? Because I'm scared to leave!

Joking actually. I stay b/c I might need her when all the SHTF.:biggrin:
Man...I've been waiting a whole day for this exact post to come to fruition. Are you slacking or is she still beating you? :biggrin:
I was going to be nice and let it go, but I couldn't...LOL I tried hard, but you just made it impossible. She is being nice to me again, she's leaving for a week with the kids so I will be home alone for that time. I guess I'll turn the whole kitchen into a powder coating booth...LOL
This is the same woman who used a pocket knife to carve a deeply embedded fish hook out of her hand
I did that to one of my brothers once, but there was no fish hook involved....LOL
If you have a good woman, you have to stay with her. My wife is a lot of fun and she knows that I love to play around, but when it's time to get serious, I'm there ready to go. That's why I'm with her and not my previous wife (shutter).
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