A Challenge

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I am usually up for a challenge. I am going with the guidelines in the first post with tubes and twist mech to be included. I have roughed in a nib and final from a titaninum bar breaking only three dirll bits :bulgy-eyes:. It needs final adjustment, polishing final assembly and if all goes a planned should be fininshed soon. Here is a preview pic.


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does this one qualify??

I had one of these in my album and just discovered the album disappeared with the old forum, and I can't find the magic key to post another photo. So you will have to either take my word for it or go here to see it.


The only kit parts are the transmission, the ink infill, and the lower brass tube because I couldn't make the transmission work any other way.
I'd like to try myself too.

Hoss...with a 4 jaw chuck you can do it...heck you can do it with a face-plate. With a chuck you can make your own jaws out of plywood...people do it all the time, especially for making their own cole jaws for holding bowls. There's other options too, like spining a piece to fit the jaws that is hollow in the center and sliced on the sides. Basically like a pipe that you cut on the sides near the ends and then you jam the wood into it and it holds, or if that isn't good enough, a round hose clamp to squeeze on your wood. Or you can make a pin chuck that attaches into your jaws or just onto a face plate...there's a multitude of options you have with or without just a standard chuck. And then...who says the pen even has to be round ??? Anyhow...I'm in for a go at it.
OK, I'll bite. I'm new here but am up for a challenge. I was already thinking of this and now have a reason to go forward with my idea. Have to make a couple others first at the request of SWMBO.
Great challenge, I don't have a picture of one of my 50 cal pens. But they are the most kit less pens I have made. I even pointed out to my family, "Now this is pen (Making)" when we where doing them. I cheat though cause my bullets did have lead.
I will see if I can come up with another idea that makes a more functional pen though.
I really like that aluminum rod pen, great job.
Hi Everybody .
Just got home from work and just couldn't wait to see how we are progressing here and I'm so happy to see the turnout we have so far , I'm also happy to see some new names and some long time members as well .
Ok now down to business . I'm changing the rules (NO throwing blanks at me , unless they are really nice :smile-big:) several people have asked if they can build their pens with NO tubes so the new rules are everything is optional except a cross style refill , after all it wouldn't be a slimline without a cross style refill (I still want to see a TRUE kitless slimline and I might just try to pull one off) .
Now for you big guys (not in size just reputation) I think that for this Challenge you should make a new pen (please PM me if this is a problem) , no entering your past achievements , after all , you might have forgotten how to make one :tongue: (HEY!!! I said no throwing blanks , at least not just plain walnut) , come up with something different just to keep it interesting .
For you guys or girls thinking of making a cartridge (bullet) pen they ARE allowed but try to think outside the box and make yours different in some way (there's something to think about) .
For everyone else just remember "BE SAFE" don't try any new way to hold a blank or drill a hole or turn a part unless you are sure you can do it without getting hurt .
I'll answer any questions a little later

HAVE FUN :bananen_smilies051:
Hey Butch... GREAT idea! It's time I started thinking out of the "kit" box myself...LOL

I have limited tools (no chuck or anything) but you betcha I'm gonna give it a whirl!!

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Jeff and Mike ,
Thanks for those neat ideas. I believe with people like you all the challenge will be less intimidating and more of a fun learning process. Thanks! I can't wait to try some of these ideas!
Hoss another idea , take a block of wood (I would think hard maple or ash would work best) 2" or 3" square and about 1" thick and turn it into a round disk then drill a 1/2" hole in the middle then use a bandsaw or even a hand saw (you want a thinner kerf) and kerf on the flat sides at the 12 , 3 , 6 , and 9 O'Clock positions about 3/4" through then turn the wood over and do the same thing at the 1:30 , 4:30 , 7:30 and 10:30 positions .
place this kerfed disk in your chuck and you will have a 1/2" Collet chuck .
I use the kerfing method to make Pounder Pegs for a kids workbench I make .
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Chuckie that is COOL :cool: .
Now that is Advanced Penmaking !!! , for everyone who didn't know what a kitless pen looks like this is the first example (and a darn good example it is) , Chuck if you wouldn't mind could you tell everyone what and how (just a simple explanation) you have made and what problems you ran into in building it .
It will be a first for me but I'll give it a go, Better give me a deadline or it could be after x-mas before i get done.
OK, here is my submission. Now, this is my very first kitless pen. Made totally out of Corian except the clip. Not near as nice as some of the others, but I learned a TON.

1. Making finials, are not that hard.

2. Making nibs are a ROYAL PAIN.
I had to drill out the hole for the cartridge before even turning the nib.

Made tons of mistakes. I would not sell this one (not out of pride but out of embarrassment).
Anyways, here ya go.
Two quick questions: Does the pen have to retract and do you have to use a transmission? Ya got my brain going on this....probably what hurts....Regardless I'm a newby but Im in
I thought the requirements were it had to use a cross refill, a transmission and a custom created finial, tubes are optional, I might be wrong, not likely, but possibly, :biggrin:
Hi Everyone

Ken , After giving in on the tubes I relaxed the rules a little , now everything but the cross style refill is optional , I think that this will make it even more interesting however these CANNOT be throw away pens so you MUST be able to change the refill without breaking the pen , Hans nice try ,it looks great but can you change the refill? .
Vic , No it don't have to retract but we don't want anyone ruining a shirt because the ink from a non retractable pen got all over the pocket so figure out a workaround for that problem .
Remember everyone , this is an exercise in problem solving as well as making a kitless slimline pen .
Ron , That is a beautiful kitless pen , but did you make it for this challenge or is it a past work ?
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Hans don't sell yourself short that is a perfect example of a kitless slimline , I like it .
I'm guessing you twist the nib to retract the refill , it's kinda like a longwood or a sierra with a very short grip section .
The corian is a real nice choice of material and makes a great looking pen .
I really do wish we had a thumbs up smiley .

Ok now lets start working on clips , the kit clips are nice but they are still kit clips .
Lets see some examples of homemade clips , this is the part that has the kitless guys stumped there are many ways of doing it , some have used wood some have used brass strips some have used sterling silver strips and some have used PMC (precious metal clay) , I cast my custom clips from pewter . they all have their drawbacks but they are still all custom clips , so think about how to do that .
Here's a kitless slimline with a gold plated cast pewter clip that I made a few months back.

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Let's start by showing the materials I used......

Acrylic blank, a piece of 1/2" Delrin, refill, tranny, 8-32X1" screw, tube, clip and 1/4" brass rod.
Here's the finished parts before assembly..........

Finished pen...........

It took me all day yesterday to make but that includes a couple of tools I had to make. First was a drill bit extension and second was a little jig to hold the final for turning and polishing. Working with Delrin is pretty neat too. It turns beautifully and threads well. It doesn't polish to a real high shine but it's OK. Another thing about Delrin is you can't glue it so no "shortcuts" allowed!
All in all I'm happy with it. While I was making it I came up with an idea for a COMPLETELY kitless slimline. By completely I mean refill ONLY. Since I only have weekends in my shop I won't finish it until next week. You'll be the first to know "IF" I can pull it off.:wink:


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I think I will try to build one . not that good yet buy I will try. Some of these I see are awsome, don't expect to be that good, but being a competive person that I am ,will try
This was something I made a while back.

Sorry if I missed the requirement that it needed to be current.

Ron , don't be sorry that is an absolutely beautiful pen and I'm glad you showed it , it shows the quality of work that can be accomplished without a kit , you don't need shiny chrome and gold to make a beautiful pen .
It's not a requirement as much as a request , I'm trying to get everyone to push the envelope and make a new pen , something that they have never made before or something that they have always wanted to make or something that they have already made but want to make a better one .
I know that for some of you time is a problem and that is one of the reasons that I have not put a timeframe on this build .

Rick that is stunning . I love the stealth look , that pen just screams out to be held and used . Thank you for showing what went into making it .

Ok for the people that are making your first kitless pen , let's hear about what you want to design/build , it just might just be that someone here can help you figure out how to go about building it . I'm quite sure you all have at least one or two questions about how to do something .

Let's start working on designs . you have already seen several different designs of kitless pens , and no matter what your skill level , if you can make a kit pen you can make a kitless one

The Challenge is moving to http://www.penturners.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36211 in the Advanced Penturning Forum
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Hi Everyone
PLEASE check in over in the Advanced Penturning forum ... really ... they even dropped the secret handshake and everything ...it's ok ... I promise :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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