A Blast From The Past!

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Oct 4, 2005
Sadorus, IL.
I was going through a box of pen/wood turning related dirty paper and found these directions for the Ginter-Stopper. Wish I still had some.


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Ahhh yes. Bob Ginter's famous bottle stopper kit. I think he was selling them for about $6. I saw them advertised in a February 2007 newsletter from the Central Connecticut Woodturners. They are still active so maybe you could reach out to them to see if any of their members have some in their boxes of wood turning related dirty papers. - Dave
I was cleaning up a bunch of old stuff I brought to Sebastian from the farm. This afternoon, as I was separating keep vs toss, I found a post I'd printed many years ago. It was a long story about finishing by Cozee!
I was cleaning up a bunch of old stuff I brought to Sebastian from the farm. This afternoon, as I was separating keep vs toss, I found a post I'd printed many years ago. It was a long story about finishing by Cozee!
Can I get a copy???
Ahhh yes. Bob Ginter's famous bottle stopper kit. I think he was selling them for about $6. I saw them advertised in a February 2007 newsletter from the Central Connecticut Woodturners. They are still active so maybe you could reach out to them to see if any of their members have some in their boxes of wood turning related dirty papers. - Dave
I just might! Thanks!
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