7 segments 24 inlays

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Should be interesting. Also should not be a problem to drill because there is no metal. Hope you put this on a kit that has one long barrel. Look forward to seeing it done. Thanks for showing the before blank.
Should be very interesting when turned !! All your angle cuts ,will turn into gentle curves, wider on the ends and, giving them a slightly flared look. I think you will be very pleased with the end result. Jim S
Here it is,turned and finished.Turning was interesting,the Teak and Walnut kept tearing out a bit while roughing it down with an easy finisher.Broke out the skew and everything stayed smooth and even.I don't have to deal with tearout very often with the carbide except on the exceptionally small stuff.Grain must have been lined up just wrong.

Thanks for looking,C&C welcome.


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It came out very nice. My thoughts and I saw it in its rough state was the center segmenting. I think that took it overboard a bit and detracts from the design. Solid piece of wood likje maple or an acrylic would have looked nice. Just my thoughts. Thanks for showing.
It came out very nice. My thoughts and I saw it in its rough state was the center segmenting. I think that took it overboard a bit and detracts from the design. Solid piece of wood likje maple or an acrylic would have looked nice. Just my thoughts. Thanks for showing.

I see what your saying,the teak doubles do make it a bit busy.Maybe next time use the open knot to accent a center section of different material.I got some tru-stone scraps lying around, hmmm.

I'm glad you like it fellas,seems like it took forever cutting and glueing 1 piece at a time.
I think the segmenting is really good but the segmenting lengthwise may make it look slightly busy but overall this pen is awesome. I like the knots in the middle and then the simple segmenting on each end. Great job, beautiful blank.
My wife said something similar.She suggested doing all the inlay work on a solid body instead of a segmented one that she would have liked the look better.
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