20th Anniversary Member Appreciation Drawing - RESULTS

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Below are the results of the 20th Anniversary Member Appreciation Drawing

WINNERS; Please send me your shipping address and email address by PM

; you will be provided with delivery information by me or Mike Redburn.

Winners and donors, we appreciate your patience as we coordinate delivery!

  1. @Jarod888 A big box of WOW! from John Underhill ($425)
  2. @amtechrs Fantastic Segmented Blank Collection ($320)
  3. @1080Wayne Cast Metal Braid Blanks from John Terefenko ($200)
  4. @darrin1200 Silver Sierra Kit from Silver Pen Parts ($175)
  5. @MikeG Silver Sierra Kit from Silver Pen Parts ($175)
  6. @TDahl Six kits plus blanks from Dawn and Ed at Exotic Blanks ($150)
  7. @mhallett 10-Pack of Cigar Pens from Dawn and Ed at Exotic Blanks ($150)
  8. @RichSubers Edgar's Famous Overstuffed MFRB ($150)
  9. @luckyscroller788 Snakeskin and Abalone Blanks from Kenny Durant ($150)
  10. @PR_Princess Puzzle Pen Kit & 8 Blanks from Doug Swanson ($75)
  11. @RDHals Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  12. @Lew Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  13. @Jans husband Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  14. @duncsuss Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  15. @Michael67 Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  16. @lyonsacc Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  17. @johncrane Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  18. @Dieseldoc Box of Blanks from the Super Bowl Pool ($50)
  19. @eastern47 Free admission passes to the 2024 MPG ($49)
  20. @Cwalker935 Free admission passes to the 2024 MPG ($49)


The drawing was conducted using the Third-Party Draw Service from Random.org

You can visit this link to the official drawing record to see the drawing summary and verify your inclusion. Use your IAP MEMBER NAME to check your inclusion. I've also attached a screen shot of the drawing results.

NOTE: If you check for your entry, please be aware that it's case sensitive. Whatever you entered when you did the order processing is what you need to enter to check for inclusion in the drawing. Many people enter their IAP username differently when they make their purchase than it is actually shown on the site.

If you believe that you should have been entered in the drawing and the service tells you otherwise, please let me know by PM. I check the lists many times prior to executing the drawing, and I hope I did not neglect to include anyone who entered. But mistakes happen, and in that situation we'll find some fair solution.

Thanks to all for supporting the IAP!
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This is amazing. I was looking at all the gifts, and wow, amazing. Thank you to all the generous donations for these great prizes.
Recieved my winnings today! Thank you Kenny D for donating some awesome stuff! And thank you IAP for hosting such a great community on here! Now I need to make time to get back on the lathe. Been a pretty rough year around here for us , havent found much time to do anything fun. This will help light a fire under my ass to get busy making stuff again.
Received the Edgar's Famous Overstuffed MFRB today, Thanks a lot!


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Received my box of blanks today. WOW Blanks are outstanding and will be put to good use as I have a young turner student who is doing very well with the lathe. Thanks for all who supported the 20th Anniversary member appreciation drawing.


AKA dieseldoc

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