1/8" opaque acrylic rods

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Feb 22, 2005
I am hoping someone can lead me to a source for 1/8" or smaller opaque acrylic colored rods other than black and white. I am interested in blue, red, and green in particular. with red being the biggest want. I can find transparent colors but not what I want. I use to have a source but they stopped carrying a few years ago. Thanks.
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Try searching the internet for red1/8 inch hdpe plastic welding rods.
We used to get them for joining various plastic shields together for machines.
Try searching the internet for red1/8 inch hdpe plastic welding rods.
We used to get them for joining various plastic shields together for machines.
Interesting. I ordered some and now hope I can find a adhesive that will stick to it. Give me something to play with. This could be an avenue. Thanks for the tip.
Another option, if translucent enough:

Another option, if translucent enough:

I have these and they are too translucent. This was the company that use to sell opaque colored rods years ago. I talked with the lady from there back then and she said they may do it again but never did. I bought the black and white from them and have plenty of them. Not sure why it is that difficult to make but it is I guess. No one does it.
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