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  1. M

    How to stabilize wood blanks with resin

    I have a contract to make wine stoppers from a 100+ year old Lindy tree (bass wood). I use CA finish on my pens but would be a challenge on wine stoppers. I know there are options such as Myslins 3-step, and other waxes or lacquers but I wanted to ensure a harder outer shell as the wood is so...
  2. R

    Great Burl Woods

    I came across a site the other day while searching for some exotic burl wood. Bad Dogs Burl Source - Home Page A great website, with a ton of beautiful stuff and great customer service. I made a line of pens out of red mallee burl and rose myrtle burl, you can look at them here. Gorgeous...
  3. C

    Finding Cheap Beginning Blanks

    Hey!, Brand new to the forums I have been snooping around and decided to make an account. Anyways, i had a question. I was wondering where you guys would recommend finding cheap blanks just to start out, I live in Canada and so I have been getting them from Lee Valley Tools however the price...
  4. R

    New Novice Pen Maker

    I am new to the Association. I started turning pens about two years ago. I had retired from teaching because of a disability. After going through the busy work of the transition, I was sitting around one day totally bored. I told my wife that if I didn't find something to do, I would just...
  5. B

    Going to harrogate uk for a week

    I'm headed to harrogate england for a week. Anyone know of any good burl/wood shops nearby?
  6. B

    Black Palm break out

    Does anyone else have problems turning black palm? I keep my tools sharp and take slow cuts, but it seems to always chip out where the black parts of the wood are at..... Would it be better to stabilize the wood first?
  7. phippsto

    Burned Wood Smell

    I have recently had my first experience with laser pen engraving. The pen is a PSI Cigar with CA finish. Naturally the laser burns through the CA and into the wood. I did not expect the aroma of burned wood would be so noticeable after the laser engraving process. I would appreciate any...
  8. KDM

    My First Pen - Yew and ROTUR kit

    Well, here's my first pen. Made from a piece of West country yew and a standard 7mm ROTUR kit. I have a Prazimat metal turning lathe, so I ground a woodcutting bit for it. I enjoyed this, so I think I'll invest in a small set of proper wood tools and make a little tool rest. My...
  9. B

    Purple Heart Burl?

    Has anyone ever seen purple heart burl...is there such a thing? If so any pictures or places to purchase? Thanks, Steve
  10. spacebrandon

    Getting started

    What do you recommed for a starters at PSI (I'm only shopping at PSI) lathe, finishes, or pen starter sets.
  11. spacebrandon

    beginner turner

    i have a few qustions that have been unanswered in the videos the I have seen here they are: Should I use a wax or cream/liquid polish? Do I need a sanding sealer? What is best for the beginner wood or acryilc:rolleyes:
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