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  1. MRDucks2

    Bristow - New Shop Progress Thread

    Thought it may be interesting to start a thread documenting my new shop build. Once the snow melts I'll post a photo of the site, then the pad, then the 8-1/2 day estimated building process. That will be the fast part. Then I'll update on the stuff I do myself, including insulation, electrical...
  2. Amihai

    "Just" Mahogany

    As a woodworker who makes only small turned objects, it's quite funny how I often use very expensive woods which are not available for the general furniture maker (except for maybe in veneer form or for very small details). It's also funny how the premium woods which are used for high-end...
  3. Shifter

    Wood ID please

    Since I got back into the hobby I dusted off my old blanks and tried to find info on the types of wood they are for cards but am having a hard time. they were marked at the time of purchase but I don't know if they were real wood names the ebay listing said was from africa. hope someone here can...
  4. Shifter

    Hello from Streator IL wood boards sourcing

    Hi all I'm getting back into pen turning etc.. I quit back in 2008 and I'm slowly getting some supplies together to start turning. just placed an order with PSI and now I'm looking for some wood to turn. I'd like to get boards and cut them down trying to be as frugal as I can and i'm looking for...
  5. MRDucks2

    These Blanks are Gone: Spalted/Quilted/Ambrosia Maple

    Final price drop, $4.50/set. At 50 cents/blank if no interest, they go to the burn ring. 6 sets of 9 quilted/spalted natural colored Silver Maple blanks. All of these are of great color and mixed character. All are nice blanks with 1 or 2 very nice and 1 or 2 with larger worm holes, knots or...
  6. RDHals

    Grumpy Guy Pens

    Grumpy Guy Pens is all about handcrafted writing instruments, or pens, made one at a time. I make other things as well like bottle stoppers and cocktail smokers. Stop by have a look. http://grumpyguypens.com
  7. YoYo

    From a rookie

    The red one is obviously a failure. Love turning pens.šŸ˜Š I enjoy it very much.
  8. MRDucks2

    MFRB Corian Blanks with Wood Blanks for filler

    Have some Corian I kept from a guy I bought out. Now that I need room, decided I will never use them. The 3/4 x 5 white blanks are at size or a bit over. The short blanks are right at a 1/2ā€ in the thin dimension. The small stone looking pieces are pretty cool Corian Blanks - 45 white 3/4 x 5 3...
  9. Amihai

    Silica gel wood drying

    Hello again, As a follow-up to my earlier post... Can you dry wooden pen blanks quickly using silica gel? I've seen several videos on YouTube claiming it can reduce the drying process from a matter of months to several days. They even make color-indicating ones! Have anyone here tried this...
  10. Amihai

    Drying wood

    Hello, I bought wooden turning blanks for segmenting. Apparently, some of them aren't dry but rather coated in some sort of wax (in the picture - coated Gabon Ebony). I'm afraid that: 1. It won't glue well when segmenting. 2. It won't finish well with CA, living moisture marks. Are my fears...
  11. Woodchipper

    Turning with a Bedan tool?

    I was watching a video where the guy was demonstrating using several turning tools to turn an aluminite blank. I was wondering if anyone has used a Bedan tool for turning blanks. If so, is it best on certain materials as wood, acrylic, etc.? I made a Bedan tool a while back and used it on a...
  12. P

    Has Anyone Tried Unusual Plants for Penturning? Ivy? Bird of Paradise? Climbing or Fibrous Plants?

    To be clear: I am asking about the natural "wood" after drying. This thread is NOT about casting or stabilizing "punky" woods. A few years ago, I turned a pen from a down Brazilian pepper tree branch. The wood turned out plain but nice. I still use it. Fast forward to today, and we have...
  13. MRDucks2

    2x6 Ambrosia Maple

    Cut today to send to dalecamino and see what he can make of them. He liked the wood my little cup came from. While I like him OK, Ms. Jennifer adores him. So he gets free wood! šŸ˜ I expect they will make some nice Hummingbird Houses.
  14. Q

    Two burly Tree IDs

    It's winter where my parents live in Maryland, so I have no leaves to go off of but I found two beautifully burly trees that are both dead. If you're wondering, I'm not turning an entire tree into pen blanks. But I will certainly be using some burl off of them once they're cut down (for slabs...
  15. Amihai

    Redheart, Purpleheart and Yellowheart

    Redheart, Purpleheart and Yellowheart fountain pens. Jr. Statesman kits with CA finish. We aren't very creative with those wood names, aren't we?.. (Also, I managed to Improve my images a lot just by setting my phone's camera exposure and saturation to manual mode and increasing them a bit).
  16. Q

    Wood ID Help

    I was given this dark piece from someone who knew I turned pens. (Curly maple is in the background for comparison). The best I can describe it is that it's very dense and heavy and hard as can be...as if it were stabilized but it's just plane jane wood from what I can tell. Is it teak? Thanks guys!
  17. A

    What type of wood to use?

    Hi everybody :) I don't think I even consider myself a newbie since I'm just starting to get into pen turning and blank making. So i'm really sorry if my question is not in the right section, I wasn't sure if this one or the penturning one was more appropriate. I want to start making hybrid...
  18. MRDucks2

    Spalted, ambrosia... I call it wood

    Guy I work with called and said hey, the city cut this tree down... I saw something worth saving. Another co-worker wanted some so dropped two pieces off for him. We shall see.
  19. G

    104 Pen Blanks

    I am cleaning out my inventory and putting up for sale 104 wood pen blanks. All are dry, but none are stabilized. These include domestic, exotic, and some rare blanks. Blanks are generally 3/4" square and 5 1/4" long. Some blanks have blemishes, but all are good for pens. I asking $100 for all...
  20. G


    I am looking for some suggestions on a pattern either easy or hard i can make for the experience i have mostly just used whole blanks without any patterning or anything really special so i would like some suggestions for a design i can replicate and if you have any tips please feel free to share.
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