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  1. K

    Slimline Knot Try

    This was my first attempt at a pen with a knot inlay. The barrel is honey locust and the inlay is mesquite. I was fairly happy with the knot, but the finish I was having issues with. This was also my first attempt at a CA/BLO finish. didn't turn out very well....guess I just guess I have to...
  2. DannyHeatley

    Amateurs poke at an Electra

    I've been turning pens for about 2 months now (I'm 18 years old). Mostly slimlines, but in the last two weeks I have experimented with a european and a electra. I'm new to the forum and this will be my first post with one of my first pens that isn't a slim. Criticism is welcome! P.S. sorry...
  3. rkm6460

    Experimenting with One Piece Slimline

    Saw this concept on the Pen Turners Facebook page and tried a couple. First time posting my work, so be kind! The first attempt was with bocote and the black chrome kit. The second was gluing curly maple and padauk cut on a 15 degree angle, topped off with the gun metal kit. Pretty fun!
  4. yomanyouahippie

    Rate My Pens

    I am a new pen turner, and these are my first 11 pens. I know they're nothing out of the ordinary, but I wanted to get some input of what I could do better. also, what do think they're worth, like in a market environment. I am only 15, so go easy
  5. ldb2000

    The Russ Fairfield Memorial Challenge

    Introduction to the First Annual Russ Fairfield Challenge by Scott Greaves (Scott) ; I have been asked to introduce the Russ Fairfield Challenge. This is a new contest for the IAP Birthday Bash this year, and it is intended to honor our friend and mentor, Russ Fairfield, who passed away...
  6. L

    Slimline Pen with red foil cross inlay

    Here's a slimline pen w/zebrawood and red foil inlay pen, this process is the credit of skiprat suggestion, the blank was cut down to 5/8x5/8xby 5" then the slits cuts one was done on bandsaw other was done with a dremel cutter , then i took red foil that is use by the printing industry for foil...
  7. C

    Cigar Pen done In Corians (Juniper)

    Hello all!! This is a cigar pen done in one of corians new colors called (juniper) I am going to try to upload a couple pics one of which will have a couple pieces of the color sitting behind the pen. Thanks for looking. JIM
  8. C

    Different color combinations for checkerboard pens

    These are a few of the very first checkerboard pens I made several years ago when I first came up with this design.There have been many many other color combinations since then. Thanks for looking!! JIM
  9. C


    Hello All!! We sell alot of these at the local bike shows and by special order.The one showing is a combo of checkerboard top and striped bottom.(It is the best seller) but we also offer it in full checkerboard or full stripes.It is made using corians Manderin (orange) and corians Nocturne...
  10. A

    for those of you that golf......

    my newest pen... what do y'all think? it made of hickory if you were wondering..
  11. LarryDNJR

    Springtime in the shop.

    1st. Jr Gent II Black Titanium with Spring and Black Acrylic. 2nd. Slimline Black Titanium with Springs. Comments, Suggestions, Critiques, Complaints all welcomed. **EDIT** Added two new photos of the Springtime Jr Gent II which hopefully has a less distracting background for the pen.
  12. Z

    Pens I just finished

    Just a couple more that I just finished at 1am this morning. First one is a Orange and Black Pearlescant Acrylic w/ Chrome Hardware. Second is a pen and pencil set from Olive Wood. Any comment good or bad will be greatly appreciated. These are the 4th, 5th, and 6th pens I have ever turned...
  13. Hillbilly

    Spalted Maple Slimline

    This wood was given to me from one of my oxygen patients. I told him if he would saw it up I'd make him a pen out of it. The next time I was at his house he had me a arm load of this spalted maple. So this is his pen in trade for the wood. I'll keep you all posted I will probably be selling...
  14. hunter-27

    Rebar pen

    Ok, first off I'll start by saying TY to Peter for the rebar idea. I decided to make it my own a little by adapting it to be a single barrel "slimline". Most of my tools are in storage awaiting the finish of my new shop(another thread) so I had limited tools on hand to work with. I had at my...
  15. Marc

    Spiraling segments

    One of my first complex segment successes. This is purple heart and teak in a slimline style. LOML grabbed this one right away. Right after this one, I moved on to better kits. Have only made a handful of slimlines since.
  16. M

    Box Elder slimline

    .. in copper. CA finish Beall buffed.... This is also my new photo set up.... seems to work pretty good finally! I did figure out that if I turn the pen a little I can get that black reflection out of the copper... on some of it anyhoo. Thanks for looking....
  17. keithlong

    Exotic Slimlines

    After I recieved the box of exotic pieces, i just had to see what would come out of some of it. Here are the results. Hope you enjoy them. From left to right, Osage Orange, Bocote, African Blackwood, Bloodwood, Black Locust, and another Bocote. Comments welcome.
  18. matthewrblack

    Slimline in volcano red

    Knocked this out quickly earlier. Not one of my best but I'm still happy
  19. Glenn McCullough

    wedding party

    Made these 7 pens (odd # I know) for 2 coworkers (and both previous pen customers) wedding. They are TN slim and softgrips with cross clip. I wish they made the clip in TN as I hate to use the 10k gold plate but thats what the customer wants. The B.O. w/ cross clip in slim/soft grip and the...
  20. dale

    Poblems with a slimline pen

    Ive made several slimline pens but have noticed on a couple that after they are pressed together at least a week later the wood will crack where I pressed in the front part of the pen kit. I usually leave a large amount of wood at the end of the pen so if you have a reason that this is...
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