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  1. hilltopper46

    Shortened Sierra Clicks

    I just completed a custom order for two shortened Sierra click pens. I am really happy with the way they turned out. The shorter click seems to feel more solid and less noisy, and it makes a nice compact pen. The top one is Wenge on 'standard' chrome hardware. The bottom one is antler on...
  2. S

    BOW Sierra

    First post with new Camera (Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi) and new light box. Four coats of CA/BLO sanded to 12000 mm
  3. rickstef

    This weekend's efforts

    Hi all, Here are 3 pictures of the pens I was able to finish this past/passed weekend. First up is a PCB pen, in red, with a black chrome click sierra. Second up is another PCB pen, this time in purple, and a two tone chrome click And last but certainly not least. My...
  4. gcurran

    First Corian pens

    Tried my hand a turning a couple of corian Sierras yesterday. I got a slab of corian from my daughter that was left over from her kitchen counters. It was just under 1/2inch thick, glued two pieces together with medium CA and let sit overnite. Finished just like acrylic - shape with...
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