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  1. H

    Hello from UK(Hull) - New to the IAP

    Hi - Ive been turning for a number of years and just found this forum, I enjoy turning and like making lots of different things not only pens. Like a lot of people I have a web page - Hand Crafted Arts These are some of the things I have enjoyed making :cool: I look forward to exploring...
  2. S

    My first made pen blanks and final pens.

    Thought I'd give pen blank casting a go, happy with how these turned out. Wasn't sure they were going to come out this well, very deceiving until turned.
  3. J

    Camera Recommendation

    I'm getting back into pen-making and want to be able to take pictures of them. My current point-and-shoot Olympus camera is on it's last legs and I need to replace it. I've been asking lots of people about cameras. I've also read most of the posts in this forum. Some have simple cameras and...
  4. hcpens

    September 2015 PITH Parings - Let the turnings begin!

    :bananen_smilies035:Here are the pairings for the SEPTEMBER 2015 PITH! We have 70 adults with :bananen_smilies051:12 NEW members joining in!! * No youth were identified at this time, will have to work on next PITH In the member swap we have 3 countries represented: Australia, Canada and the...
  5. R

    What Engraver to buy???

    Hi everyone, I would like to know what brand of small engraver to buy that would let me engrave on my BMG 50 cal pens? Anyone know?? Would like to take it to shows to do engraving when a customer asks for it... Thank :wink::wink:
  6. C

    Newbie but eager to learn

    I have been "turning" for technically 2 years BUT actual turning time, I have about 3 months experience with my lathe ... so I'm NEW :redface:. I am eager to learn about the pens and many aspects that can be done with them - they are so much more than "just basic turning" like one of my...
  7. T

    Gisi pens

    Forgive me for being a newbie, but I have a question... What ever happened to the Gisi Pen Co?
  8. C

    Hi from Memphis, TN/ Blaine, WA

    Hi!!! Just came across the IAP and figured I would join up!! I currently live in Memphis, but am moving to Blaine, WA soon. I would like to network around and get acquainted w/ some pen turners/ wood turners in the area(s) who can help me source out supplies as well as just talk pens!!!!! I am...
  9. T

    Hello from NW Arkansas

    I hav only been turning pens for a month or so. I have been a seasoned wood worker and turner for several decades but recently just started making pens. I have been concentrating on slimline pens do to the price of the kits for a learning curve. I recently turned an aluminum pen that turned out...
  10. T

    Selling Pens

    Hi Everyone, I was just curious if anyone knows someone who wants to buy and resell pens. I have been making them for about a year. I am 14 and can't afford to keep this hobby without selling them or i wouldn't be selling them..Does anyone know someone who wants to buy and resell handmade...
  11. G


    Six Cigars (these are my first of those): the first three kits were from WC and the other three from CSUSA. I used Shellawax on the Purple Heart and Padauk (four applications; as much heat build up as I can stand) but Wood Turner's Finish on the other four wood blanks. I think I like WTF...
  12. Texas Penworks

    Finished Wounded Warrior Pen Project

    This project was started from me being moved emotionally by a Twitter thread from Wounded Warrior Wife. She describing her request for prayer for her husband, a wounded Marine facing his 51st surgery. I must admit I have a soft spot for those who keep us SAFE & FREE & wanted to show a small...
  13. Texas Penworks

    Wounded Warrior Pens

    This project was started from me being moved emotionally by a Twitter thread from Wounded Warrior Wife. She describing her request for prayer for her husband, a wounded Marine facing his 51st surgery. I must admit I have a soft spot for those who keep us SAFE & FREE & wanted to show a small...
  14. yomanyouahippie

    Rate My Pens

    I am a new pen turner, and these are my first 11 pens. I know they're nothing out of the ordinary, but I wanted to get some input of what I could do better. also, what do think they're worth, like in a market environment. I am only 15, so go easy
  15. rkimery

    Business Cards

    Has anyone talked about their buisiness cards on here? I had some made a while back, fairy cheap, and I put my home address on them. Is this a good or bad thing? Does anyone have ideas, maybe someone on here, on where to get their business cards and WHAT should be on them, I do not have a...
  16. T

    Best Selling Pens (styles and materials) ! ! !

    What are everyone's best selling pens (both styles and materials)?
  17. W

    Acrylic Pens

    I am not one that really enjoys turning an acrylic pen but I love the way they look and the variety they give... I have not done that many sicen I love to use "finds" of different woods... Here are three acrylics using the Wall Street and Hart kits...
  18. WildcatHollow

    Acrylic Odor

    I turned my first acrylic pen yesterday. I had ready about the unusual odor, which although strong, wasn't objectionable, especially since it produces such a great result. But, I was using the pen this morning (it's my first acrylic, so I'm going to keep it), and I noticed the pen still gave...
  19. D

    Gran Torino

    The new Gran Torino . A fun and easy pen to make. What do the rest of you think of the quality of this pen. This one has the Celtic knot
  20. creativewriting

    Greetings from Greensboro, NC.

    What a find! I can't believe I didn't find this site sooner. About 2 years ago I got this crazy urge to make pens. All of my work to date has been with polymer clay. Reading through some of the old posts I see some have experimented with Polymer with mixed results. Being familiar with this...
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