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  1. S

    Rockler Pens & Bushing List

    Hello all, I don't get to come here often so please forgive my in-frequent visits :) Is like to get my pen kits at the local Rockler store but their pen part numbers, descriptions and Bushing numbers are Rockler's own. Is there a list referencing their pens compared to the IAP Bushing & Tubes...
  2. RDHals

    Grumpy Guy Pens

    Grumpy Guy Pens is all about handcrafted writing instruments, or pens, made one at a time. I make other things as well like bottle stoppers and cocktail smokers. Stop by have a look.
  3. A

    Amboyna Burl-Golden BEST OFFER!

    I have over 50 inches of usable wood. Best offer. Plus free shipping. See pictures of all 4 sides.
  4. A

    Amboyna Burl-Red BEST OFFER!

    I have over 40 inches of usable wood. best offer. Plus free shipping. See pictures of all 4 sides.
  5. D

    Just another trimline

    Fancy drill press jig used
  6. D

    Trimline, a slimline on steroids

    I made 9 of these, different woods and trims. Learned the style on utube
  7. D

    Crapemyrtle pen

    My wife was trimming her hedges and I used some crapemyrtle trimmings to make several of these pens. They were hot sellers
  8. Teodor

    PenTeo Sakurakawa nuri

    Hi all, Finished this pen today. The technique aimed to imitate the cherry bark. This version is brighter, tamenuri is lighter. I used for this version bengara urushi and yellow for the stripes. I'm also working on a different version. This version has a brighter red, white for the stripes and...
  9. Whitaker's Workshop

    Looking for pen turners in Denver Colorado

    My wife and I have been turning seriously for almost a year. I know there are a lot of super talented turners out there, I'm just trying to find one in Denver that wouldn't mind teaching us some tricks of the trade. We have our own shop and supplies, so we just need someone who is patient and...
  10. wrjones224

    Need a Nice Wooden Pen Box - Suggestions needed!

    Hey Everybody - I just landed a commissioned piece to make a higher-up at my large company a pen. I will be making him a Statesman Rollerball Pen (full size) out of a KY Bourbon Barrel. My Dilemma is I need to get a really nice wooden box that can also have a logo engraved on the top of it. I've...
  11. Woodchipper

    And there it was!

    Ever heard of- You can't see the forest for the trees? Started to turn two pens for archery tournament door prizes. I used the right wheel on my Rikon grinder and was pleased with the results. However, it got good results and had no more thoughts on it. But I looked at the other wheel and...
  12. Woodchipper

    Photography questions answered

    I had some questions about photographing pens and decided to check the library. Found this to start and found a bunch of threads on the subject. Need to do my homework. Printed it for reference. Thanks to all who contributed to this topic...
  13. Q

    CA finished pes

    CA finished pens Hello! I've been making pens for about a year now, and I was wondering what you guys think about some of my pens and if you have any feedback. Thanks!
  14. Y

    Beginner's Projects

    Hi Y'all, I'm not sure if I attached these pictures correctly, but here are a few thing I've made fairly recently. Nothing fancy, but in time I'd like to try to get a little bit fancy. Bottle stopper - Decorated with pyrography. Awl - Made from a broken drill bit, a brass air fitting, and...
  15. P

    The Vertex supreme roller & fountain pen kit

    I was looking at this kit its the Vertex Supreme roller & fountain pen kit from penn state industries and was looking into working on this later in the week when its warmer. The diagram shows the ink pump a rollester ink, also the kit comes with a cartridge that you can stick on their...
  16. Kburr

    Hi, everyone! I'm New to IAP! Athens, Georgia

    New to wood working! Hometown, Athens, GA.. Go Dawgs!! I'm a mom to a precious two year old girl. My partner and I, recently started a family business, designing resin and wood products! Mostly, rings and pens, but we always enjoy creating something different or collaborating with people on new...
  17. P

    Thich CA glue fumes

    This is about the third time I have glued a bunch of blanks togethere but at first I thought it was seasonal allergies but from the research I did on thick CA glue was the fumes from it can cause a type of asthma problem that almost makes it hard to breathe feels like breathing through a straw...
  18. J

    Hello from Florida

    My name is Jody. I've been turning for the past two years, on and off. My disabled ex-husband and our 6 year old sometimes slow that process more than other times. I turned my first pen a little over a year ago. Didn't get to #2 until November. Which I followed very quickly with about 30...
  19. Herb G

    Heads Up for Penturners...Rockler Sale

    Rockler has These on sale for $9.99. That's 1/2 price. However, they are oversold until 1/6/2017. They will fill your order as they are received. I ordered 5 while I could get them. Order yours now. Operators are standing by. :tongue: Hope this helps someone out there. :wink:
  20. S

    Fountain Pens,Still Remains The favourite Of All

    Pens have always been the favourite of all the potential buyers those who really love to write & penned down their thoughts. Fountain Pens being the favourite of the souls culminates the writers together enriching the lives of the passionate writers.
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