pen kits

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  1. ed4copies

    Established in 2008 on IAP, ExoticBlanks is a supplier of pen kits and other products for penturning: Pen Kits Misc Kits Artists Handmade Blanks Casting Supplies Pen Makers Supplies Pen Turning Tools Lathes and Supplies We are an authorized kit supplier for: Berea Craft Supply Dayacom...
  2. richard_y6

    New Style Ballpoint Pens Use Strongink PKM-4 Series Pen Kits

    Hello everybody , here i'm showing off my new style pens made of PKM-4 Series pen kits . Specifications: Finished size:.57" x 5-1/2" blank size: 3/4" x 3/4" x 5" 5/8"x5/8" *5" Refills used : Traditional Parker style pen refill Items needed to complete: Drill bit: 8mm Bushings set...
  3. R

    apprentice vs artisan vs PSI pen kits

    just getting started again - turned a lot about 10 yrs ago and have decided to start again. Lots of new 'stuff' out there now. Anyone have any guidance as to comparing pen kits from different vendors?
  4. Kburr

    Help!! Pen kits, bulk, pricing! Sorry so long!

    I am relatively new to pen turning and have just started selling the products I create. In the past, I have sold my items too cheap but have been working hard to create prices that are reasonable yet benefit me as well. That being said, I HAVE MY FIRST BIG ORDER! Not just one or two pens but...
  5. A

    Heavy and/or balanced pen kits

    I am looking for pen kits that are on the heavy side. Making a pen for my boss and he used to play ncaa college ball as a defensive lineman so he is a very large man. What would you guys recommend?
  6. C

    Top 3 Fountain Pen Kits under $25

    If you could only work with three kits for fountain pens, which would they be and who (which vendor) would you buy them from? Just to keep things from getting too expensive, let's say less than $25 per kit (ignoring shipping). Thanks in advance for your answers - I am trying to learn about...
  7. T

    7mm Pen Bushings

    I have been buying my blanks, pen kits and bushings from a local woodworking store. I am starting to sell my pens and I need to reduce cost of production so I have been looking online. I am looking to purchase my pen and pencil kits in larger quantities at a cost saving. Which brings me to my...
  8. cryptolo

    Expanding Brass Tubes

    Hello all, I recently glued up about a dozen pen blanks with 7mm brass tube in my garage which was about 40 degrees Fahrenheit and left them there to cure overnight. The next day I turned two blanks on my lathe and pressed the parts together to make a pen with no problems. I brought the...
  9. D

    Pen Turning Ethics

    I have made sure, to the best of my ability, that the wood I use for my pens is absent from both CITES and the ICUN lists. But I am still at a quandary concerning pen kits themselves. I have been filling orders with USA made kits (Desire or Hancock, Liberty, or Eagle Pen kits) but, from I can...
  10. S

    Which pens are the best selling?

    I need to stay in the 7mm and 8mm or "O" sizes. Which pen kits are the best selling. I started out (newby) with the European twist. (not happy with the mechanism) I want to sell to both ladies and gents. These would be wood pens not acrylic as I am not there yet. Any ideas or complaints...
  11. P

    Pen Kit Bushings and Tubes

    I found on this forum a document called "Pen Kit Bushings and Tubes" It lists pen kit suppliers, part numbers, bushing and tubes sizes. It is a great document and was created by W Racinowski back in 2010 but is not complete. I can't locate a current or completed document. Does anyone know...
  12. I

    Hello Everyone

    Hi,I'm Pat from IRELAND,just started to make pens.I'm looking for a good supplier of pen kits from around the world.
  13. M

    wood cracking when pressing

    I was wondering if anyone had any friendly advice when pressing pen kits together. Not that I have never had a pen crack on other pen kits, but the slimline pens seem to give me the biggest problem. Mostly with certain woods. African Blackwood is probably the worst, though I have had some...
  14. M

    Suppliers of quality pen/pencil kits

    I have been making pens for about a year now and have purchased all my kits from WoodTurningZ. For the most part I have been happy, but have had some concerns with the slimlines. I have found that the black ink is normally terrible (blotchy) - not the quality I would want wen selling them...
  15. B

    15% off craft supplies

    Just ordered a bunch of pens and supplies from craft supplies. Even if you get the 10% or so discount for buying multiple pens(10 at least usually) they will still take 15% off. Just type in 15OFF in the promo box. Good deal, I usually wouldn't post this stuff but its one day only and...
  16. WildcatHollow

    Fine/Elegant/Swiss Pen Kits: Where to Find?

    I'd like to make a very fine, elegant pen kit for my daughter's graduation. I've read that there are Swiss or German made very fine pen kits. I've Googled all the possible variations, and still can't find a supplier. Where could I go online to find the finest, most elegant (and probably...
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