pen blank

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  1. figuredbirch

    Karelian masur birch // Pen Blocks

    Set of three: 17.12€ ($18.60) + shipping (worldwide) All sides of the blocks are shown in the photos. Dimensions: 25x26x150mm / 1" x 1" x 5.9" (may vary slightly) If interested, DM me! :) Follow us on social media to see the newest sets! Facebook: Figured Curly Birch Instagram: @figuredbirch...
  2. figuredbirch

    Curly Birch // Pen Blocks (shipping cheaper TODAY)

    Set of four: 21.4€ ($23.11) + shipping (worldwide) Shipping prices if ordering TODAY: Estonia -> 3.18€ (blocks come from Estonia) Europe + UK -> 9.79€ ($10.57) USA + other countries -> 10.44€ ($11.27) All sides of the blocks are shown in the photos. Dimensions: 25x26x130mm / 1" x 1" x 5.12"...
  3. figuredbirch

    Curly Birch Pen Blocks // Make your own set!

    Karelian masur birch // Pen Blocks Set of three: 16.05€ / $17.35 + shipping (worldwide) Set of four: 21.4€ / $23.14 + shipping (worldwide) Set of eight: 37.45€ / $40.39 + shipping (worldwide) All sides of the blocks are shown in the photos. Pick your favourite blocks and put together your own...
  4. figuredbirch

    Curly Birch // Pen Blocks

    Karelian masur birch // Strongly patterned Pen Blocks Set of four: 20€ + shipping (worldwide) All sides of the blocks are shown in the photos. Dimensions: 25x26x130mm (may vary slightly) More blocks on our social media! Facebook: (Figured Curly Birch)...
  5. figuredbirch

    New Curly Birch supplier from Estonia

    Hello everyone! We are a staring Curly Birch selling business from Estonia. We specialize in providing standard grade masur birch wood for different woodworking projects. Our Karelian Curly Birch pen blocks are the best canvas for your woodcrafting dreams. Whether you're a seasoned pen...
  6. MRDucks2

    These Blanks are Gone: Spalted/Quilted/Ambrosia Maple

    Final price drop, $4.50/set. At 50 cents/blank if no interest, they go to the burn ring. 6 sets of 9 quilted/spalted natural colored Silver Maple blanks. All of these are of great color and mixed character. All are nice blanks with 1 or 2 very nice and 1 or 2 with larger worm holes, knots or...
  7. tearling

    13 Amboyna Burl Wood Pen Blanks Knife Scales Turning Wood Jewelry Earrings Lot D2

    13 Amboyna Burl Wood Blocks (Lot D2) - $135 OBO (includes shipping) You can use my Paypal link PayPal.Me/woodulike Blanks air dried for over 15 years and not stabilized. Blanks dimensions- 3 1/4" ~ 9 1/2" long X 3/4" ~ 1 1/2" wide X 3/4" ~ 1" thick PHOTOS SHOW THE ACTUAL ITEMS YOU ARE...
  8. tearling

    3 Amboyna Burl Wood Blocks Pen Blanks

    3 Amboyna Burl Wood Blanks (Lot B5) - $48 OBO (includes shipping) You can use my Paypal link PayPal.Me/woodulike >>Max dimensions - 11" x 3" x 1 5/8" >>Blanks air dried for over 15 years and not stabilized. >>3 Figured Amboyna Burl Wood Blocks (Lot B5) Turning Block / Pen Blanks / Knife Scales...
  9. MRDucks2

    MFRB Bamboo Natural, Carmelized, Cross Cut, Criss Cross, Two Tone $25 Shipped

    Another box of blanks I don’t plan on using. This one is full of Bamboo from a fellow I bought out some years ago. 50 Diagonal Cut 2 Tone 3/4x 5 Bamboo 9 Diagonal Segmented 7/8 x 5 Bamboo 4 Diagonal Segmented 2 Tone 7/8 x 5 Bamboo 14 Diagonal Cut Natural 3/4 x 5 Bamboo (Seems like more but...
  10. Hartwell85

    Method Of Painting the Inside of Pen Blanks

    I was looking for a better way to apply an even coat of paint to the pen blank hole after being dissatisfied with the common techniques I found. I tried painting the hole using a Q-tip but did not always get an even coat. Also had to deal with cotton fiber fuzzies. Tried spray painting the hole...
  11. MRDucks2

    Stabilized Spalted Dogwood

    Back into my stash of Dogwood thanks to pschwizz. Handful of stabilized blanks still warm from the oven. Love this wood.
  12. N

    4 lots of pen blanks for sale - non wood (acrylic, ebonite, dimaondcast, kirinite & others)

    Due to a job related change, pen turning can't be lasting pastime for me, and I have stocked up way too much, so selling 4 lots of pen blanks here. Shipping to Germany at no cost, other EU countries EUR 30. I'd like to avoid the customs formalities that shipping to non-EU countries brings if I...
  13. Racer3770


    Thank you for taking the time to check out our new vendor forum on the IAP! My brother and I started making pens in 2013 after our grandfather wanted to try his hand at working on a lathe. The Pensmiths was born when we started experimenting with our own custom blanks. We specialize in quality...
  14. corbybenderart

    Shark Teeth Pen Blanks

    I made several white shark tooth pen blanks using Alumilite resin with blue and white mica powders to color. They are already tubed for Sierra family pens. If you're interested, you can message me here or I also have them up on my site here: Shark Teeth Pen Blanks $20 each, but are on sale...
  15. elkhorn

    Pine Cone Blanks For Sale

    Continuing to clean out the shop! For sale are 3 pine cone pen/project blanks. The first is a blue project (bottle stopper, shaving brush) blank: 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1 1/2". Price $8 USD + shipping (US only). The second is a large silver & gold pine cone project blank: 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 6". Price...
  16. M

    Earth pen Picasso style.

    I used several layers of paint on this before torching it to create an antique effect. Process:
  17. S

    Major fractures

    I have been casting a while now in purchased silicone molds but yesterday I made 8 blanks in PVC pipe. I'm using poly-resin and love it but I let these cure in the tubes about 8 hours then popped them out. Without exception every ones of them had major fractures. Any clues or hints?
  18. J

    Custom made blanks

    Are there any sites or companies that will make a custom blank for a customer. Something the customer can design?
  19. W

    Dog/Pug Related Pen Blank?

    I've had a request for a Pug related pen, although she said that something with paw prints would suffice. After searching the vast universe of Google and the even better resource that is the IAP ( :biggrin: ), I have absolutely no leads. Has anyone ever encountered a pen blank in this...
  20. cschimmel

    A watch pen for a friends mother. WWII era

    Helbros watch to pen conversion video. Schimmel's Studio - YouTube This is a project I did for a Friend of mine who had this watch. The watch was his mother's fathers watch that he had received in the 50's (he has since past). She had given the watch to her son (my friend) because it did not...
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