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  1. L

    Spice Grinders with Brick Segmented Tops

    Hi, I've been lurking these forums for a while now. I turn pens and bottle stoppers and such every now and then. I finally have a project that I'm proud to show off to you folks. My first set of spice grinders - salt and peppermills. I used the Crushgrind ceramic mechanisms with shafts. Mills...
  2. Halfcaff

    Spalted Maple Broadwell

    I turned this Broadwell Art Deco Gold T/N and Chrome pen today. I used a spalted maple blank that I have had for a while and finally decided to turn. I stabilized it before I turned it. It had quite an interesting spalt pattern. Each line was a double line which gave it a nice effect. Let...
  3. Bree

    Spalted Maple Tivoli Cigar - Weekend Pen

    I got some spalted maple on a consignment sale a couple of weeks ago. I milled some into blanks an turned one Saturday. I tried a little Tivoli-esque thing with some beads. Some people tried writing with it and said that they liked it which actually surpised me. The pen was finished with...
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