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  1. Lacewood Baron Fountain Pen

    Lacewood Baron Fountain Pen

    Baron kit lacewood FP with CA glue finish. The photos really don't do this one justice!
  2. Lacewood Baron Fountain Pen

    Lacewood Baron Fountain Pen

    Baron kit lacewood FP with CA glue finish. The photos really don't do this one justice!
  3. Curly Cherry Baron FP

    Curly Cherry Baron FP

    Curly Cherry FP from Baron Kit. This is my EDC pen. The blank is from a tree that was cut down at our home in Cleveland years ago. Finish is CA glue.
  4. Racer3770

    The Green Baron - Bash 2017

    This was my entry to the 2017 Birthday Bash Advanced Kit Contest. I casted the blank in alumilite using apple green pearl ex powder. The kit is a baron. I closed both ends but kept the clip by using a tap and die on the top. I cut a tenon and threaded the cap portion to accept the clip, then...
  5. budnder

    Customized Baron

    I was originally thinking I'd do a Sedona with this, but the cap trim ring on the Sedona just seemed to clash with the pattern of the cholla. I had some extra red Alumilite that I had dumped into a tube when I cast the cholla... So I switched to a Baron and tried to do something just a bit more...
  6. I

    Baron II

    Could someone tell me what is the lenght of the Baron II Pen RB when finished. Is the Baron II a good pen kit or is there a similar kit as good as it? Pat. Ireland
  7. M FP Kit similar to Baron ??

    Does anybody know if any of the FP pen kits from will work with my Baron tooling? I am specifically interested in making closed end FP kits using the Baron closed end mandrels from Arizona Silhouette. The tube sizes are what is concerning me. The Baron instructions say that it...
  8. THarvey

    Spaltted Maple Burl

    This is the first rendering from the Spaltted Maple Burl I received from isaacrapelje. Thanks for looking.
  9. rando81

    Some barons

    Here's some barons I've got done Jigsaw,Stars & Stripes,Redwood burl,Afzia Lay,Red Malle,BrownMalle
  10. S

    Baron FP Problem, help

    Hello All, I sold a baron fp at a show a couple of weeks ago and got a message from the owner yesterday. Never had this problem arise before. Just finished reading the information on adjusting the nib in the library. Does this sound like a nib adjustment problem? Any and all comments are...
  11. jthompson1995

    Something new - Leather Baron

    I've seen some pens made from stacked turned leather but I tried something a little different. I didn't even have to mount this one on the lathe. A Platinum Baron RB wrapped in soft garment leather. It's not necessarily the first pen to catch your eye, but it feels great to write with...
  12. mobrackett

    Baron Rattlesnake Pen

    Here's another snake pen. I really enjoy making these and I'm going to try one day making my own blanks. (I'm really going to need to learn alot about acrylics. :smile: Sorry No Photo!!! Still Learning
  13. mobrackett

    Baron Rattle Snake Pen

    This are Baron rattlesnake pens that I did after some practice with the Mica blanks. I only lost 1 mica blank, but it's cheaper then the snake skin. Comments welcome.
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