brass inserts needed

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May 14, 2013
Cary, NC
I am looking for the round brass inserts for a 7mm tube with 8-32 threads. Moving turned handles
from the older measuring cups and spoons to the newer Rockler versions. Really prefer to keep
the old handles. I need at least 8. Preferably 16. Anyone have a stash or know where I can get them?

Thanks, Carl
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Was your old set a PSI set? Don't your handles already have a threaded end? - Dave
The older set assembles like a pen. Uses a 7mm SMOOTH insert. like the slimline pens. It has 4mm threads to screw on the spoon.
The new set uses a typical screw in insert into wood and the threads are 8-32.
What I need is a 1/4" insert smooth sides with 8-32 threads.

I just ordered some 1/4" brass rod. Hoping that all I need to do is drill, tap and put a shoulder on to facilitate insertion.

old: 4mm threads smooth outside
new: 8-32 threads, threaded outside

The older set assembles like a pen. Uses a 7mm SMOOTH insert. like the slimline pens. It has 4mm threads to screw on the spoon.
The new set uses a typical screw in insert into wood and the threads are 8-32.
What I need is a 1/4" insert smooth sides with 8-32 threads.

I just ordered some 1/4" brass rod. Hoping that all I need to do is drill, tap and put a shoulder on to facilitate insertion.

old: 4mm threads smooth outside
new: 8-32 threads, threaded outside

View attachment 381915
That's kind of what I was figuring.

The Tap Drill for an M4 x 0.7 or 0.75 would be a 3.4mm drill (0.134" inches)
The Tap Drill for an 8-32 would be a #29 drill (0.136" inches)

The Major Diameter of M4 threads is 0.157" inches
The Major Diameter of 8-32 threads is 0.164" inches (only 7 thousandths larger)

Since 8-32 threads are just a few thousandths larger than M4, and if you wanted to risk one, you might try running an 8-32 tap into one of the the 4mm threaded inserts already in a handle to see if you could cut new, slightly deeper, threads.

That's kind of what I was figuring.

The Tap Drill for an M4 x 0.7 or 0.75 would be a 3.4mm drill (0.134" inches)
The Tap Drill for an 8-32 would be a #29 drill (0.136" inches)

The Major Diameter of M4 threads is 0.157" inches
The Major Diameter of 8-32 threads is 0.164" inches (only 7 thousandths larger)

Since 8-32 threads are just a few thousandths larger than M4, and if you wanted to risk one, you might try running an 8-32 tap into one of the the 4mm threaded inserts already in a handle to see if you could cut new, slightly deeper, threads.

What a great idea! I just tapped one and it worked great. Thanks!! I owe you a beer!
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