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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Sooner than I thought I would be. Despite some hic-ups in actually getting the surgery (Hip Replacement) done, recovery has gone exceedingly well! So. the Etsy shop has reopened and I'm ready to take your orders until such time as I get my left shoulder replaced! :rolleyes:
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Good to hear and see you are back in action. I need both shoulders done and will be watching for your tales on that operation. They say that is the hardest of all replacement operations. I am so right handed not sure I can fathom losing that arm for so long.
Good to hear and see you are back in action. I need both shoulders done and will be watching for your tales on that operation. They say that is the hardest of all replacement operations. I am so right handed not sure I can fathom losing that arm for so long.
I have already had my right shoulder replaced, along with both knees and now, both hips. In my experience the shoulder was the easiest. I asked my Doc about it because I had always heard that the shoulder was the hardest also. He said that shoulder repairs, such as torn rotator cuffs comes with some difficult PT. However, a total shoulder replacement is easier than most people think. For me. the toughest part of the shoulder rehab was having my armed pinned to my body in a sling like a straight jacket. Also, the first week or so has you sleeping in a chair.
I have already had my right shoulder replaced, along with both knees and now, both hips. In my experience the shoulder was the easiest. I asked my Doc about it because I had always heard that the shoulder was the hardest also. He said that shoulder repairs, such as torn rotator cuffs comes with some difficult PT. However, a total shoulder replacement is easier than most people think. For me. the toughest part of the shoulder rehab was having my armed pinned to my body in a sling like a straight jacket. Also, the first week or so has you sleeping in a chair.
With all those replacement parts you are pretty much a bionic man at this point lol. I'm glad your recovery is going well.

I appreciate your comments on the shoulder surgeries. My dad has had both of his shoulders replaced, one actually twice, and my wife goes in a week from today for rotator cuff surgery. I just installed a bidet and a removable shower wand for her this weekend.

Knock on wood, I have all of my original joints and only one ankle repair from about 15 years ago.
Glad everything went well. I had knee replacement in December and have one more PT session. If you have any more parts replaced, all that will be original equipment would be your name.
I have already had my right shoulder replaced, along with both knees and now, both hips. In my experience the shoulder was the easiest. I asked my Doc about it because I had always heard that the shoulder was the hardest also. He said that shoulder repairs, such as torn rotator cuffs comes with some difficult PT. However, a total shoulder replacement is easier than most people think. For me. the toughest part of the shoulder rehab was having my armed pinned to my body in a sling like a straight jacket. Also, the first week or so has you sleeping in a chair.
Heck Mike. Your one shoulder away of being the new $6,000,000.00 man. Glad things went so well.
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