152 and a Wake Up

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Jan 3, 2009
Surprise, Arizona
Looks like I am going to actually RETIRE Dec 31, 2024 will be my last day working for anyone but my loving wife Kristin. There are going to be a lot of changes in our life including relocating to the Yorktown, VA area for one. So much has happened since I joined this excellent group here and I am looking forward to being able to do things I want to do or Kristin wants me to do lol, anyways excited and nervous which I guess is normal.
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Congratulations! I really enjoy being retired. Life goes on like bills, health issues and auto/ home repairs. But theres no one yelling why it happened or when it's going to be fixed. My only scheduling is around traffic and crowds. My friends laugh because i eat with the "Blue Hairs". I tell them it's because i don't want to fight traffic or wait in line with the working people. Enjoy your new chapter in life.
It's been 7 months for me, still figuring things out, but loving it more each day. The best part for me is every morning starts with a clean slate. Congrats on your upcoming retirement.
I'm coming up on three years in a couple of weeks. With family spread across the states we've spent at least a week a month away from home. That is both a blessing (to see our kids and grandkids) and a curse (traveling is tiring and it limits time in the shop!)

Enjoy the extra time you have for doing things you love.
Retired is a great club to belong to, especially for those of us that have hobbies and other pastimes. Although I still get an occasional phone call or text from someone about some piece of equipment that has my name in the headers of the controlling software. I worked hard to insure that none of the machines inherited my name as everything gets old and eventually breaks down. When I started over 40 years ago I would hear people complaining about those "Old Groves machines" or those "Expiative Stevens winders". I just never wanted to have people complain about that "Expiative Old Lange machine!". ;) - Dave
I retired in 2009 and never regretted it. However...you will find yourself wondering when you had time to work. I have nine grandkids and one great-grandson.
Wow! You're going to have so much time to do the things you want to do. Enjoy! My husband can consider retiring in a year, and I'm so looking forward to it.
Congrats, my wife and I were just in Yorktown as part of our vacation. Great area, but based on your profile you are going against the norm. The norm seems to retire to Arizona, not away from there :).
Congrats, my wife and I were just in Yorktown as part of our vacation. Great area, but based on your profile you are going against the norm. The norm seems to retire to Arizona, not away from there :).
True but this desert and me are done
I remember well when I was 152 and a wake up. Both times, military and private sector. Enjoy it with all you can and enjoy your new freedoms. When I retired I gave my young inexperienced boss the finger. Best way, in my opinion, to leave. Enjoy it but stay active either with turning or volunteering. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
I remember well when I was 152 and a wake up. Both times, military and private sector. Enjoy it with all you can and enjoy your new freedoms. When I retired I gave my young inexperienced boss the finger. Best way, in my opinion, to leave. Enjoy it but stay active either with turning or volunteering. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
LOL Mine asked for a years notice when I decide to retire haha good luck with that
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