Thank you to our MAPG Sponsors (Virginia)!

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Jan 4, 2013
Chesapeake, VA
Our sponsor / door prize list is growing fast...check out the latest updates!

Woodcraft of Richmond - premier woodworking store in the Greater Richmond area. Woodcraft Supply, LLC is one of the nation's oldest and largest suppliers of quality woodworking tools and supplies. We thank Ray Deyo for allowing us to use the store as the MAPG 2014 venue. Please visit Glen Allen Woodworking Supplies at Woodcraft for more information.

Pen World - is donating a 1 year subscription and some copies of magazine to hand out. Pen World covers "the universe of writing culture - new pens at all price points, vintage pens, fine papers, inks, accessories, [and] reviews." Please visit PEN WORLD for more information.

International Association of Penturners - thanks to Jeff Brown for providing a sticky forum to support the IAP discussions about our upcoming event and for donating $300 towards food services on Saturday.

Thompson Lathe Tools - Doug Thompson (Doug Thompson) donated a 1/8th inch parting tool valued at $55. Please visit Thompson Lathe Tools for more information.

Perry's Pens - Thanks to Perry Bridges (papaturner) from Buchanon, Georgia, for donating various wood, pvc, and corian blanks as MAPG 2014 door prizes. We have four dozen blanks in total, including american chestnut, brazilian cherry and teak, desert ironwood, dog wood, mulberry, nandina, peach, poplar, spalted maple and oak, sapele, walnut, winged elm, zebrawood, as well as muscadine vine and other small branches and cones.

Mike Hirsch - Thanks to Mike Hirsch (Indiana_Parrothead) who donated a clear cast watch blank.

Satellite City - Glenn Hunter (SatelliteCity) donated three boxes of the HK-1 Hot Stuff Pro Kit- complete CA glue set with accelerator and debonder, valued at $39.95 each. Please visit Satellite City for more information.

Richard L. Greenwald LLC - thanks to Richard Greenwald (penmaker56) for donating a $50.00 store credit to be used on his website or at MAPG 2014. Please visit Richard L. Greenwald for more information. - thanks to Roy and Dee Robaldo (OKLAHOMAN) for donating another 16 x 12 pen display box with child guard. It will hold 48 pens at an 18 degree angle to the customer for perfect viewing. Please visit Classic Nib for more information.

More goodies to come from the following IAP members:

Jonathon Brooks (brooks803)
Eric Beuker (buzzzz4)
John Underhill (JohnU)
Marla Mills (crickett)
Gary Nichols (CaptG)
Michael Hardin (crashmph)
Charles Agnoff (agnoff)
Tim McGill (iowacobb)

Pictures of the door prizes we already have are at:Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering 2014 - Door Prizes
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Actually there should be three watch parts blanks. Fred should have one now, a Sierra and two more went out in the mail this morning, another Sierra and a Jr.

Looking forward to meeting people, putting some faces to names and learning some new things. I really need help with my photography skills...


Hi Mike, got your other blanks and now have a photo of all three on the door prize and blog pages.
Thanks to John Underhill (JohnU) for donating three Sierra Ringneck Pheasant feather blanks, three Sierra colored feather blanks, two Sierra Amherst Pheasant feather blanks, one Sierra natural feather blank, one Sierra shredded money blank, and two Prairie Rattlesnake blanks. He also donated three Junior Ringneck Pheasant feather blanks, one Junior Amherst Pheasant feather blank, and one Junior mixed feathers blank. Please visit Exotic Blanks for more information.
Fred Wissen Designs LLC - Fred and I (PTownSubbie & MrsPTownSubbie) are donating a $50 gift certificate towards a future online purchase at or in person at MAPG 2014. We will be selling silicone casting molds, CNC pen blanks, Cholla Cactus, and other various acrylic and polymer clay blanks. Please visit for more information.
Smitty's Pen Works - Thanks to Leroy Smith (Smitty37) for sending 2 packages of Le Roi Elegant, 2 packages of Le Roi Elegant Royale and one Package of 5 Classic Vintage Fountain Pens.

Six Le Roi Elegants in each package
2 Le Roi Elegant
2 Le Roi Elegant LB
2 Le Roi Elegant Click

Three Le Roi Elegant Royale in each Package
1 Rhodium finish
1 Gold Tn Finish
1 Gun Metal finish.

The total is 23 Kits. Retail Value at Single Kit prices is around $150 to $175 or so. Please visit Smitty's Pen Works for more details.
Marla Mills sent us an update from fellow partner, Jessie Somers (Jester777) of Classic Nib. Marla will have 3 Blank Canvas pen blanks painted by Jessie Somers to donate to the MAPG. The first blank is a Geisha and fits a Sierra Twist, the second is a koi with cherry blossoms, it fits a full size Gentleman or Emperor. The third blank is a mountain scene with a bald eagle flying and it fits a Sierra Twist. Please visit Classic Nib for more information about Jessie Somers.
Barring no shipment delays or border confiscations, here is the tentative schedule for the door prizes donated to MAPG 2014. Any further changes / updates will be posted after the event.

FRIDAY, May 2, 2014:

$50 Gift Certificate to Arizona Silhouette by Barry Gross (2bgross)
$50 Gift Certificate to Richard L. Greenwald LLC by Richard & Betsy Greewald (penmaker56)
$50 Gift Certificate to Fred Wissen Designs LLC by Fred & Tina Wissen (PTownSubbie)
(2) Gift Certificates for (4) Pen Blanks of Recipient's Choice by Eric Beuker (Buzzzz4)
Various Gift Certificates to Woodcraft by MAPG

SATURDAY, May 3, 2014:

Door Prize Picks #1: Announced at 10:45 AM

(1) Hot Stuff Pro Kit by Glenn Hunter (SatelliteCity)
(1) Sierra & (1) Junior Ringneck Pheasant Feather Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(8) Miscellaneous PR Pen Blanks & (2) Wood Pen Blanks by Jonathon Brooks (Brooks803)
(4) Stabilized Pen Blanks & (1) Celtic Knot Pen Blank by Terry Quiram (terry q)
(1) Package of Le Roi Elegant - 6 kits by Leroy Smith (Smitty37)
(1) Bolt Action Carbon Fiber Pen Blank & (1) 2nd Amendment Cartridge Pen Blank by Gary Nicholls (CaptG)

Door Prize Picks #2: Announced at 1:00 PM

(1) Custom Solid Silver Rollerball Pen Kit omplete with tubes, bushings and elegant box by Mike Redburn (mredburn)
(1) Sierra & (1) Junior Ringneck Pheasant Feather Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(1) Junior Watch Pen Blank by Mike Hirsch (Indiana_Parrothead)
(1) Hot Stuff Pro Kit by Glenn Hunter (SatelliteCity)
(1) Package of Le Roi Elegant Royale - 3 kits by Leroy Smith (Smitty37)
(3) Natural Bamboo, (3) Caramel Bamboo, & (2) Corn Cob Pen Blanks by Tim McGill (iowacobb)

Door Prize Picks #3: Announced at 1:45 PM

(1) 1/8" Parting Tool by Doug Thompson (Doug Thompson)
(1) Sierra & (1) Junior Amherst Pheasant Feather Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(1) Blank Canvas Koi with Cherry Blossoms - fits a full size Gentleman or Emperor by Jessie Somers (Jester777)
(1) Package of Le Roi Elegant Royale - 3 kits by Leroy Smith (Smitty37)
(3) Natural Bamboo, (3) Caramel Bamboo, & (2) Corn Cob Pen Blanks by Tim McGill (iowacobb)
(1) Sierra Betty Boop Watch Pen Blank & (1) Zen Carbon Fiber Pen Blank by Gery Nicholls (CaptG)

Door Prize Picks #4: Announced at 2:45 PM

(3) Six ounce Bottles of Craft Coat - (gloss, semi-gloss, satin) by Michael Hardin (Crashmph)
(1) Sierra Natural Feather mix & (1) Junior Feather mix Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(1) Sierra Watch Pen Blank by Mike Hirsch (Indiana_Parrothead)
(16) Miscellaneous Wood & PVC Pen Blanks by Perry Bridges (papaturner)
(1) Package of Le Roi Elegant - 6 kits by Leroy Smith (Smitty37)
(1) Sierra Feather Pen Blank & (1) Sierra Chiyogami Pen Blank by Marla Mills (Crickett)

Door Prize Picks #5: Announced at 3:45 PM

(1) 16 x 12 Pen Display Box with Child Guard - holds 48 pens by Roy & Dee Robaldo (OKLAHOMAN)
(1) Sierra Colored Feather mix & (1) Sierra Shredded Money Collage Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(1) Hot Stuff Pro Kit by Glenn Hunter (SatelliteCity)
(16) Miscellaneous Wood & PVC Pen Blanks by Perry Bridges (papaturner)
(1) Sierra Feather Pen Blank & (1) Sierra Chiyogami Pen Blank by Marla Mills (Crickett)
(1) Blank Canvas Geisha Pen Blank - fits a Sierra Twist by Jessie Somers (Jester777)
(1) Vertex Pen Blank & (1) Vertex Click Pen Blank by Gary Nicholls (CaptG)

Door Prize Picks #6: Announced at 4:45 PM

(1) Orbita Lighthouse Flashlight Set - Fiddleback and (1) Orbita Ladylight (mini LED) Flashlight deal by Charles Agnoff (agnoff)
(1) Sierra Colored Feather mix & (1) Sierra Prairie Rattlesnake Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)
(16) Miscellaneous Wood & Corian Pen Blanks by Perry Bridges (papaturner)
(1) Sierra Feather Pen Blank & (1) Sierra Chiyogami Pen Blank by Marla Mills (Crickett)
(1) Sierra Watch Pen Blank by Mike Hirsch (Indiana_Parrothead)
(1) Blank Canvas Mountain Scene with a Bald Eagle flying - it fits a Sierra Twist by Jessie Somers (Jester777)


Kit Pen Contest Winners will receive:

1st - (1) Package of 5 Classic Vintage Fountain Pens by Leroy Smith (Smitty37)

2nd - (1) Sierra & (1) Junior Ringneck Pheasant Feather blanks, (1) Sierra Colored Feather mix & (1) Sierra Prairie Rattlesnake Pen Blanks by John Underhill (JohnU)

3rd - (4) Stabilized Blanks & (1) Celtic Knot Pen Blank by Terry Quiram (terry q)

Modified Pen Contest Winners will receive:

1st - (1) Orbita Lighthouse Flashlight Kit by Charles Agnoff (agnoff)

2nd - (1) Aero Chiyogami Pen Blank, (2) Sierra Chiyogami Pen Blanks & (1) Sierra Feather Pen Blank by Marla Mills (Crickett)

3rd - (7) Miscellaneous PR Pen Blanks & (3) Wood Pen Blanks by Jonathon Brooks (Brooks803)
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TurnTex Woodworks - Thanks to Curtis Seebeck (MesquiteMan) for donating 3 one quart containers of Cactus Juice Stabilizing Resin. Please visit for details.
So sorry we won't make it. 2 hours from home, my car went up in flames. I saved all the blanks I was bringing which will be found at Exotic Blanks. I will still give two packages of 4 blanks as door prizes. They will now be surprise boxes. I promise no smokey smell.
So sorry we won't make it. 2 hours from home, my car went up in flames. I saved all the blanks I was bringing which will be found at Exotic Blanks. I will still give two packages of 4 blanks as door prizes. They will now be surprise boxes. I promise no smokey smell.

So sorry to hear that. Glad no one was hurt.

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