MAPG Now Accepting Registrations

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I am not going to be there until Saturday, driving on Friday. Really looking forward to putting faces to names. Getting excited to meet everyone.

I haven't been to one of these before, so do people bring blanks to trade? Is there any pen contests?

Dee and I are driving up,booked the hotel, going to make it a driving vacation with stops along the way on the way back, will arrive mid day Friday.
I am not going to be there until Saturday, driving on Friday. Really looking forward to putting faces to names. Getting excited to meet everyone.

I haven't been to one of these before, so do people bring blanks to trade? Is there any pen contests?


Last year there were pen contests, pen swap, blank swap, and door prizes!
Also, bring $$$$$!:biggrin:
I am not going to be there until Saturday, driving on Friday. Really looking forward to putting faces to names. Getting excited to meet everyone.

I haven't been to one of these before, so do people bring blanks to trade? Is there any pen contests?


Last year there were pen contests, pen swap, blank swap, and door prizes!
Also, bring $$$$$!:biggrin:

We are changing things up a bit...but just as much fun. More details soon...
I am not going to be there until Saturday, driving on Friday. Really looking forward to putting faces to names. Getting excited to meet everyone.

I haven't been to one of these before, so do people bring blanks to trade? Is there any pen contests?


Last year there were pen contests, pen swap, blank swap, and door prizes!
Also, bring $$$$$!:biggrin:

We are changing things up a bit...but just as much fun. More details soon...

So....all of the programs will now be Saturday with Friday being Open Bar Sponsored by MrsPTownSubbie? Awesome! :biggrin:
I am not going to be there until Saturday, driving on Friday. Really looking forward to putting faces to names. Getting excited to meet everyone.

I haven't been to one of these before, so do people bring blanks to trade? Is there any pen contests?


Last year there were pen contests, pen swap, blank swap, and door prizes!
Also, bring $$$$$!:biggrin:

We are changing things up a bit...but just as much fun. More details soon...

So....all of the programs will now be Saturday with Friday being Open Bar Sponsored by MrsPTownSubbie? Awesome! :biggrin:

Wishful :eek: We do want to try a few new things this year. Already stated is a show and tell on Friday night. We think this will be a great way to get to know each other better in person while you talk about your favorite pens or pen products. We also have a "marketing your pens" discussion panel on the schedule that we would like input / questions from the membership to discuss. For those that want / try to sell, what are your most difficult issues with selling your pens or pen products? We will try to address as many hot topics as we can.

For Saturday, we are still tossing around fun ideas but I'm sure will have some time for more impromptu activities tossed in between the scheduled demonstrations. We have a full day planned: a pen from start to finish by Barry Gross, anodizing by Bruce Robbins and Brett Ransom, photographing a pen by Eric Rasmussen, clear casting by Fred Wissen, polymer clay by Keith Henning, and Celtic knots by Woodcraft's own Richard Crook.

Now is your chance. Tell us your ideas for Saturday activities. Better yet, take charge and get involved. This is your gathering so we want your attendance, participation, and input!! All the great things you like to do on IAP but live in person.
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