Early Segmenting

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Jul 31, 2009
3355 Lookout Pl Reno NV 89503
I have so enjoyed seeing the evolution that has been happening in segmenting. It has inspired me to update some of my early attempts.

Here, however, is one of the early segmented pens I made. The Woods are bloodwood, I think Holly, and a mystery wood I don't recall at the moment.


  • Early Segmented.jpg
    Early Segmented.jpg
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  • Early Segment 2.jpg
    Early Segment 2.jpg
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Marc that was some of my early segmenting also. Yours are very nice regardless of when they were made. I still make that style as it sells very well.
My favorite is still maple, blood wood and black wood
Marc that was some of my early segmenting also. Yours are very nice regardless of when they were made. I still make that style as it sells very well.
My favorite is still maple, blood wood and black wood

Thanks Mick. It seems very retro to me when I look at all the awesome segmenting being shown by the members. I still have other of these that I now consider retro, but I do like them all and have fond memories of the lessons and glue ups and restarts and blow-ups and ....:rolleyes:
Still looks good dad. I don't seem to recall if I tried to steal that one too.

Ha! You could not have taken that one as it was on display at the local woodcraft store until they went bankrupt and closed their doors. The owner gave me a heads up and I was able to get it back just days before they turned out the lights.

Sorry to see them go, but glad I got my pen back!:biggrin:
Marc, you have done a very nice job on this pen. I like how all the different woods work together. Do you have any more recent work in segmenting?
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Marc, you have done a very nice job on this pen. I like how all the different woods work together. Do you have any more recent work in segmenting?

Not yet Mike, but am gathering materials as we speak. Working on getting some pick to insert and have located some thin brass. I liked your thoughts on the coke can and tin snips. A local friend (Janster on this site) has shown me some of his scalloping techniques. Now all I need is the time.

I semi-retired a few months ago and took a 6 day a week job in a local woodworking store. Learning lots, but little time (or energy) left over for evening fun. It will come though.:biggrin:
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