First 2 Segmented Pens

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Jul 25, 2012
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I thought I'd jump in and try segmenting. Here are the first two I made, C&C's welcome and wanted.

I must admit I really don't like the first one. It's a Le Roi Elegant click, nice kit. I've used a Walnut burl for the wood. What I don't like about it is the kit comes with a black top and bottom, so adding another black band and aluminum band kind of looks redundant to me, what do you guys think?

I like the second one, it's a Patriot kit with the same wood and black accent ring with a brass band. I like that one more than the other.

The black rings are from a casting of mine I made with Alumilite, the aluminum is from an airplane from my aircraft mechanic days.

Thanks for looking


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My problem with the first one is that the wooden part is too chubby, just a little bit straight would have been better, anyways is a nice combination with the Aluminum and black
My problem with the first one is that the wooden part is too chubby

Alejandro - You nailed it! I think it's to chubby too now that you mention it. I wonder if I can take it apart and put it back on the lathe and put it on a "diet"?

Thanks for the feedback, that's what I needed.

Of course you can take it apart and skinny it up a bit. I love the contrasting segments and the choice of hardware. These pens are very nice and that first one will be really nice once you shave a bit off it.
Same pen but skinnier now

Of course you can take it apart and skinny it up a bit.

Well Mike - Thanks for the inspiration to give it a try. I've never successfully taken a pen apart before, but this one worked out great.

Here is the same pen but skinnier. I disassembled it and put it back on the lathe to re-size and refinish it.



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Of course you can take it apart and skinny it up a bit.

Well Mike - Thanks for the inspiration to give it a try. I've never successfully taken a pen apart before, but this one worked out great.

Here is the same pen but skinnier. I disassembled it and put it back on the lathe to re-size and refinish it.


Both were nice, but this time, you NAILED it! Had to do that several times, myself. I find that, when you're turning a pen and REALLY like it - especially if the blank is something touchy - I'll make it too fat just to cut the anxiety factor. My wife gets a look at it, and says in her most direct (loving?) voice, "It's too FAT! Can you fix it?" Occasionally, I get mad and, after I calm down, recognize that she's absolutely right and even *I* don't want to leave it like that. Accordingly, my disassembly kit is one of my most valued tools. I bet you feel a LOT better now . . . especially since it didn't s*it the bed when you re-worked it, right? Russ
Mike the "Pusher" doing it again! Great job on making the correction and great call too for Mike and his encouraging words to make us all better turners. Thanks to you BOTH!. Be well.............Jan
I think you made a great save with the 1st one. It does look much better. I wonder what it would look like to use the walnut for segments & have the black in the middle. Either way, they're both keepers.
I bet you feel a LOT better now . . . especially since it didn't s*it the bed when you re-worked it, right? Russ

I did experience increased "Pucker Factor" getting it apart, worried that I'd break something, but took my time.

I do feel a lot better about this pen now and I won't hesitate to take another one apart and re-work it if needed too.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

That pucker factor will decrease the more of these you make. Basically the hardest part is done once you get the tube glued in or at least that is the way it works for me. This pen you made is a classic design and they both look great. Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to experiment.
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