Segmenting Ligero RB

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Jul 8, 2009
The segments are: Purple Heart, Curly Maple, Padauk and Pau Amerillo.

The pen kit is Ligero 22K RB (from Smitty).

CA finished and polished with Novus 3, 2, and 1.

Thank you for looking.

Comments are welcome.


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Wow now that is cool. Very nice job on that one.

How about showing us your process for this pen. It is really beautiful.
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I smiled when I saw the blank, but I GASPED when I saw the finished pen! Stunning- nicest segmenting I've seen in a good long while. The choice of woods really makes it.
What do you think of this kit? Often wondered.. does the black plastic feel too light? Does it feel like a substantial pen?

Beautiful work- congrats!
Thank you for your kind words everyone.

Hi Mike,

Actually I have a tutorial written and submitted to Wayne Racinowski for QA. The tuturial shows how I ripped in thin pieces for this pen and also for the Pinstripe Panache (

If you want to have this tutorial, PM me I will send you the link.

This tutorial did not including the segmenting process for this pen. But I will create one when I have some time later.

How about showing us your process for this pen. It is really beautiful.

Hi Katya,

I found the pen is balance enough. In fact I was quite excited about Smitty is planning to stock Ligero again.

I will definitely order some Ligero FP.

Often wondered.. does the black plastic feel too light? Does it feel like a substantial pen?

Beautiful work- congrats!
Beautiful work. I found that padauk is a difficult wood because it will bleed into adjacent woods when the blank is sanded. I don't see that in yours. How did you sand this pen blank?
"Got" to try this. But I have also "got" to build up to it. Thanks for sharing. And really looking forward to the tutorial. I "know" they will be proud to incude this one.
"Got" to try this. But I have also "got" to build up to it. Thanks for sharing. And really looking forward to the tutorial. I "know" they will be proud to incude this one.


I do not know what kind of tools you have and how adept you are in using them but I posted a very simple sort of segmenting project that uses the tablesaw (bandsaw can be used) and makes cuts on an angle but just cut about half way through the blank and keep flipping it. I have a couple with aluminum as the spacers that I need to spin and show here soon. This can get your feet wet. You can always go with the old reliable cut some small scraps and glue to the end to break up a blank. Many have done that also.

Look forward to seeing some of your work. Have questions ask away.
Great 'creative' use of segments. Methinks your genius lies in how you have cut and assembled the segments to arrive at your final pattern. Putting the slices together is easy enough to duplicate but your arrangements is where you escalate above the rest.

In case you haven't figured it out but I love the work that you have shared with the group. Bravo and I look forward to your next masterpiece.
Believe it or not it was a pen like this that got me into pen turning. I bought a roller ball at a show and asked the person selling it to make me a fountain pen to match. He never did and I bought my first kit and the rest is history as they say.
Beautiful pen
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