Mini Review Review of Stabilized Woods from Constant

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Steve Busey

Jul 9, 2008
Marietta, GA.
I'm a happy customer after checking out a pair of Lazerlinez new dyed/stabilized blanks!

I received a set of natural and blue maple blanks.
P 025 (Medium).jpg

They were straight, clean and with no cracks, checks or warping. A few burn marks on the blue piece, but I was planning to turn that part away, so no worries.

They both cut and drilled smoothly. When drilling, from the smell, I thought I was drilling an acrylic - a good indication of the stabilizing agent getting deep into the center of the wood. Hard to tell on the natural, but the blue color drilled out with deep blue shavings - no light or natural colored pieces.
P 026 (Medium).jpg

The color held up through turning, a nice rich blue and nice even natural color. The pic may not do them justice, but they came out great with a CA finish.
P 030 (Medium).jpg

Not sure what else to say except that I've placed an order for more of the dyed maple - and after all, isn't that the highest praise I can give?! :rolleyes::biggrin:

Thanks, Constant!


Nov 10, 2008
Lexington KY
Issue and question before I write my review

I have been a little delayed in completing the test on Constant's blanks. I received a natural and green blank. Today I decided to turn the natural maple blank. I was very careful when I drilled and glued up the blank. I wanted to give the best feedback I could. I used a designer type pen kit.

I'll reserve my full review until I get some suggestion to this problem.

If you look at the pictures, I have turned the two sections of the blank almost to size. I seem to have a void. I'm 99% sure that I didn't cause the problem. I made sure my tools were very sharp. The blank seems to turn like a dream. It is lot harder than wood but not quite as hard as acrylic. Since I have never turned stabilized blanks, is this common?

Any Opinions?

For now the blank is still on the lathe.

Note: There are voids on upper and lower sections.


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Dec 3, 2008
Atlanta , Georgia, 30041
This would be checking that forms when the blanks are heat cured. Sometimes there are pieces that does that. It can also be caused by a high moisture level in the wood before it was stabilized. I have had pieces that shrunk from 7/8" to 1/2" after applying the pressure to rapidly and when curing it kind of swell up and show all these cracks.

Hope this info help.
Apr 27, 2009
Forney, Texas
Mini Review: Review of Stabilized Woods from Constant


I thought the blank that I received turned very nicely. It had at least 4 or 5 worm holes. I filled with CA before turning. A couple turned away and one remained.

It had a lot of character and I liked the way the finished pen turned out. I would buy from Contant again. Sorry the review took so long, with my work and a new baby girl in the house, things have been a little hectic.

Aug 5, 2009
Millersburg, OR
I found the blanks easy to drill and turn. The color was good. A few voids in the burl nothing major. My wife snatched both pens, one for her and one for her mother. I got these blanks for free but I would definitely pay for them. My wife told me next time I need materiel to buy some more of it.


Sep 24, 2005
Defiance, OH
First off I want to thank you for sending me the blanks and I am sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but I have been on vacation.


Here is a rough shot of the blanks. I say rough because I just knocked off the corners, did a quick sand, and hit it with a top coat of finish. This is not what they will look like when they have been turned for pens, but will give people an idea.

The blanks appear to me to be well done. The dye is uniform throughout the blanks with only somewhat lighter areas in harder sections of the wood, which is something that I expect. The stabilization also seems to be uniform as well. I think that you are in business.

Thanks again for letting me take part,


P.S. Sorry, but also posted this in the original thread.


Jan 23, 2009
I received a clear buckeye burl, and a clear curly maple. I finally got the buckeye done. To give an idea of my point of reference, I've never turned acrylic or stabilized blanks, but I have turned corian, Minwax hardened buckeye, and untreated buckeye.
All in all, it's one of the easiest blanks I've worked with so far. It cut cleanly, and the drill went through it like it wasn't even there. I drilled it for a full-sized Majestic, and just took it slow and easy. Turning it was a dream. I had 1 small blowout from a piece that was almost completely surrounded by air. I put it back on with some shavings and CA, and was good to go. I had to stop a few times to fill some voids, but that was to be expected. I find the hardest woods easier to turn smoothly, and this seemed just a bit softer than corian. It was great.
Not want to risk a screw up, I finished with the 80 grit gouge. Here is where my only issue occurred, and that was the final sanding. It was murder getting the sanding marks out, but I got there. It took my usual CA/BLO finish like a champ.
If you're in the market for stabilized blanks, I don't see how you could get any better than what Constant sent me. I'm glad I was able to get in on the trial, and will get the maple done soon.




Local Chapter Leader
Nov 18, 2007
Chester, Vermont, USA.
Stabilized Buckeye from Constant

This blank was a treat to work with. Full penetration of the stabilizer, no voids to fill, turned and finished extremely well. Noticed the smell of the stabilizer throughout working the blank, but the fan cured that easily. If all of the Buckeye turns like this did, there are going to be more people turning Buckeye that gave up while using unstabilized wood. A1 material. Thanks Constant. I have a dyed Maple to turn shortly.


Nov 10, 2008
Lexington KY
Green Maple

I finally got a chance to turn the second blank. Excellent quality. No problems with drilling or turning. I sanded it to 600 grit added 4 coats of thin CA than wet sanded to 12000 grit. Finished it off with a little brasso. Sorry for the picture. I'm still working on taking better pictures.

I would highly recommend these blanks.


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