Quonset cherry on a Wall St Elegant

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Gary Beasley

Sep 18, 2009
Marietta, Ga. USA
My wife and I were enjoying some time on the patio out front and noticed a dead branch on the Quonset cherry tree next to us. I checked it out, then grabbed it and snapped the 4-5 inch thick branch off. Dale was quick to notice the spalting on the broken end so we had to take the broken wood down to the shop dungeon and turn it into pen blanks. This one was very near a crotch as well as ant activity. I loaded the brittle end with thin CA and filled some voids with thick. Drilling was dicey from the twisted nature of the blank, it had a cupped side with a little bark left, that just barely got turned away.
Almost done and layering up the CA I find some low spots I have to fill with thick CA and wait for it to cure, skewing it back down to smooth. I let Dale do the micromesh polishing as I was off playing with some ambrosia maple making a bottle stopper. Then I had fun cutting the CA loose from the bushing so I can assemble the pen.


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