Nawlins' "Burl Blow-out"

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Dec 17, 2008
Washington DC

As some of you know, my Father has had serious health issues for a while now. His recent decline in health over this past weekend has prompting the need for 24 hr indigent care. Maggie & I will be communting back & forth to the West Coast of Florida (she's there now) to provide family support and begin getting his estate in order. I've come to the conclusion that no matter how well you may think your prepared for a situation, reality is quite different. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused for cancelling the party, we were looking forward to getting together with our friends.

Most of you know my wifes from New Orleans and we have 1800+ lbs of burl/burl cap. The burl bin is sitting where my wifes 72 Superbeetle used to be:eek: and she wants the space back!:mad: (little does she know that space will be our casting & stabilization area!:tongue:)

We are extending an invitation for friends/family members to attend the 2009 IAP NOVA Nawlins' Burl Blow-Out Party, Sunday June 28th from 11:00 - 7:00 PM. The wife's cookin up authentic French Quarters Cuisine and we have lots up burl to cut up & give to eager burl beavers on Sunday. Folks, it just does'nt get better than this! Burl & Gumbo!!! Hot dogs & Hamburgers for the kids.

Bring family/bring friends... good time for all. Special prizes will be drawn for a few lucky winners. A display table will be set up for members to display their great work & a member photo will be taken to be distributed email as a commerative.
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Hey I am going to try and get someone to take my call for that weekend if i can other than that we will continue with what we had planned. I would love to me the other folks up North and see their works of art.
I'm in the same boat as rjwolf3, so can he and I just wish we were there and be there in "spirit" only? Would that count for anything.

BTW, can't you just dish up some of the Cajun and wood in a "to go" bos and send it to us? Please advise as to where I should send my address.

Oh yea, I asked first you know!! I just want a decent burl I can make a 10"x5" dish out of ... that's all!
If I can convince the wife, I'll be there. Shouldn't be too hard since she will be officially out of the Navy at that point and will have nothing to do but be a stay at home incubator at the moment.
Count me in for the 28th

Hey Jim I jst got word that i am not on call the weekend of the 28th so cont me in then ok. Any else just PM it thanks again.
DANG IT! I have to move that weekend! Could you reschedule it for a day more convenient for me? Like the weekend before? LOL! Have fun. And save a burl for me! (please!?)
I seem to remember folks carrying signs along the side of the road back in the late 60's early 70's or at Spring Break.... maybe start a retro trend "Burl Blow-out or Bust" LOL :biggrin:.
If I can convince the wife, I'll be there. Shouldn't be too hard since she will be officially out of the Navy at that point and will have nothing to do but be a stay at home incubator at the moment.

LOL, sounds like a lab environment! Thanks to you & your wife for service to our country, hope you can make it Ty & look forward to meeting you and the wife.
That's funny

That's funny....:cool: I don't recall that it was discussed but being a GOOD wife who won't turn anyone away from our door, I'll make redbeans and rice and chicken creole for those of you who show up. There is one thing though, in order to get food you MUST TAKE wood HOME:monkey: That's the admission ticket.! See you soon.


Most of you know my wifes from New Orleans and we have 1800+ lbs of burl/burl cap. The burl bin is sitting where my wifes 72 Superbeetle used to be:eek: and she wants the space back!:mad: (little does she know that space will be our casting & stabilization area!:tongue:)

We are extending an invitation for friends/family members to attend the 2009 IAP NOVA Nawlins' Burl Blow-Out Party, Sunday June 28th from 11:00 - 7:00 PM. The wife's cookin up authentic French Quarters Cuisine and we have lots up burl to cut up & give to eager burl beavers on Sunday. Folks, it just does'nt get better than this! Burl & Gumbo!!! Hot dogs & Hamburgers for the kids.

Bring family/bring friends... good time for all. Special prizes will be drawn for a few lucky winners. A display table will be set up for members to display their great work & a member photo will be taken to be distributed email as a commerative.

Please rsvp that your planning on attending so we can begin the planning process. Dentists in pink smocks are welcome :biggrin:

Jim & Maggie Feagans
65 Tanterra Drive
Stafford, VA 22556

UPDATE: PLEASE RSVP with how many will attend so we prepare enough food!!

Hm# 540-242-0554
Cell# 703-635-8216
I'm so sorry to hear about your father's health problems.
You gotta do what ya gotta do.

I just saw your note, as I had gotten things opened up so that I could go.

Mebbe next time, somewhere down the road.

Meanwhile, keep us up to date, my family will hold yours in prayer. . .
Sorry to hear about your father, glad you are able to be there for him.

Look forward to the rescheduled gathering, provided kids are able to attend. Hadn't RSVP'd yet as I was waiting to see what my schedule looks like. Mentioned it to the wife, she's looking forward to it (which helps with the scheduling...:) )
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