Happy Birthday Ed!!

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(Well it was an hour and a half ago!)

Hope you had a great day and that it lasts the whole year. Wow! big Seven OH...........:cake::present::bananen_smilies046: and a bag of M&M Peanuts.

I'll try to be on time next year!!


Spent the day making and editing a video!! Like most things, it looked like a two hour project that multiplied by at least three times--but it DID get done, about 10:00 last night!!

While I CAN think of things I'd rather do, there are also MANY things that would be less enjoyable, so I would consider the day a success!! I DID sleep well, last night!!

I finally applied for Social Security a few days ago, at 70 you can work and still collect the full amount you are owed. I found it funny because the nice YOUNG man who filled out the paperwork for me ended our conversation with, "Congratulations, Mr. Brown!! You are now officially RETIRED!!"

I replied only, "Thanks!!"

Clearly, he doesn't know me!

Thanks again to all, for the birthday greetings!!

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Better late than never. Happy BD and thanks for 4 plus years of honest advice and excellent CS.
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