A true exotic blank by Dee

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Aug 12, 2007
No longer confused....
This is Florentine blanks made by Dee. I like many others have seen them but really did not SEE them. I was able to get my hands on 2 sets and wanted to show them off to everyone to see.

I call these 'hidden gems' as they are rather hidden, not that public yet they are quite spectacular.









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+1! I've used Dee's (Roy's [OKLAHOMAN's] wife's] amazing Florentine blanks ever since she started making them. She does beautiful work to make our humble efforts look amazing.
That gold one is so beautiful.

I know it's something special, but I'm really curious about what kind of general material these blanks are made from - paper, paint, metallic foils..).

Really cool effect regardless.

Good move bringing these to our attention Ed. Nice pairing with those antique components too.
Dan, Dee did these for me a number of years ago when I did art shows. We sold a few blanks to some close friends but not many. Dee's process has always been keep to ourselves but I will tell you one of the 4 things she uses is foil.
Dan, Dee did these for me a number of years ago when I did art shows. We sold a few blanks to some close friends but not many. Dee's process has always been keep to ourselves but I will tell you one of the 4 things she uses is foil.

Cool. That's the kind of answer I was looking for.

Maybe the only 2 ingredients are foil and magic. ;-)

I'm a little confused though. You still sell them on your site right? You're saying there will be no more future supply?
Dan, just the opposite we are now letting the pen turning community be able to purchase these. Not to break any rules or I would give a link to my site that explains this:redface:
Dan, Dee did these for me a number of years ago when I did art shows. We sold a few blanks to some close friends but not many. Dee's process has always been keep to ourselves but I will tell you one of the 4 things she uses is foil.

Cool. That's the kind of answer I was looking for.

Maybe the only 2 ingredients are foil and magic. ;-)

I'm a little confused though. You still sell them on your site right? You're saying there will be no more future supply?
Ed, Wonderful job on the pens!
I am curious about the finished look of these. As I view these on my screen, they appear to not have a high gloss shine as in polished and buffed.
So my first question is: Is what I am seeing the intended finish to coordinate with the pen component finishes or is it your photographic wizardry at play?
I find no reflections on the blanks in the pics.
If you indeed have a matte finish, the $64,000.00 question is: did you simply not sand/polish all the way up,.....did you take to a gloss and sand back down or .....use Jonathon's technique?:confused:
Inquiring minds want to know.....or at least one does!:biggrin:
Ed, Wonderful job on the pens!
I am curious about the finished look of these. As I view these on my screen, they appear to not have a high gloss shine as in polished and buffed.
So my first question is: Is what I am seeing the intended finish to coordinate with the pen component finishes or is it your photographic wizardry at play?
I find no reflections on the blanks in the pics.
If you indeed have a matte finish, the $64,000.00 question is: did you simply not sand/polish all the way up,.....did you take to a gloss and sand back down or .....use Jonathon's technique?:confused:
Inquiring minds want to know.....or at least one does!:biggrin:

I simply used Ed's technique which is with my photography technique (no post processing and all 100% on camera) removes most all glare, reflection, refraction and all those other distracting things. There is no special filter, lens or any tools required.

If you wish to see polishing of the surface of the resin then this might be of interest.


This was done with my cell phone in the kitchen.


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OH and this is one I did earlier with my cell phone.



It failed my quality test and I have not deleted it yet.

The key to shadows, reflection, glare and refraction is angle of the light, angle of the tube and angle of the film plane.


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Ed, Wonderful job on the pens!
I am curious about the finished look of these. As I view these on my screen, they appear to not have a high gloss shine as in polished and buffed.
So my first question is: Is what I am seeing the intended finish to coordinate with the pen component finishes or is it your photographic wizardry at play?
I find no reflections on the blanks in the pics.
If you indeed have a matte finish, the $64,000.00 question is: did you simply not sand/polish all the way up,.....did you take to a gloss and sand back down or .....use Jonathon's technique?:confused:
Inquiring minds want to know.....or at least one does!:biggrin:

I simply used Ed's technique which is with my photography technique (no post processing and all 100% on camera) removes most all glare, reflection, refraction and all those other distracting things. There is no special filter, lens or any tools required.

If you wish to see polishing of the surface of the resin then this might be of interest.


This was done with my cell phone in the kitchen.

Thanks for the clarification!
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