2017 Summer Extravaganza Casting Contest

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Jul 23, 2008
Vancouver, wa
Welcome to the 2017 Summer Extravaganza Casting contest!
This contest is open to all members in good standing and a few that we're not sure about.
You must make a pen from the casting.

-The Universal Contest Rules apply
Universal Contest Rules

Other rules
-You must cast the blank yourself.
- You must make the pen yourself
-All types or styles of Pens are allowed.
-No Cnc or lazer work allowed this year.
-Any multi color, tube in, tube on, stuff on top, and or stuff in the middle is allowed.
You may use a kit or part of a kit or make it all yourself. What ever makes you Happy.

Up to 3, count em 3, pictures will be allowed.
Entries can be submitted starting August 7th
Contest closes on August 27th at Midnight
Polls to determine the winner will start Tuesday the 29th.

Email Contest entries to:reidcr@msn.com

Prizes include bragging rights and maybe some other good stuff TBD
(In an effort of transparency, and full disclosure)
I stole these rules from Dalecamino and I believe he may have stole them from someone else.

First Place - Vintage blanks from ELlkhorn
Second Place -Mistral Fountain pen set from penlover/ Signature Pen Supply
Third Place - $25 Gift Certificate from KenV
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Until I get the email link fixed. manually type in my email address reidcr@msn.com.
Something went wrong when I edited to my email address and only the text changed on not the actual address.
Sorry for the mixup
If you have entered a pen already, please resend it to reidcr@msn.com

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Curt, must be a conspiracy by the other Summer Extravaganzaites... Yours pulls up the wrong email address and mine just plan doesn't work.
Ok, the right email is working now. If you have entered an entry and not received a confirmation from me please resend the entry.
15 days left to enter the best contest. Plenty of time. Cast those blanks, turn them into a pen and ENTER.:RockOn:
Why yes they are, i must not have been promoting this contest enough for you to not have noticed. This is the greatest contest and we have the best prizes:biggrin:. By the way, we have not received your entry yet, get busy.:eek:
Ooops, sorry. I was just checking in and accidentally bumped this thread to the top.:devil::bananen_smilies046:
If you peeps:cool::eek: would comment here once in a while, I wouldn't have to bump this all the time.:biggrin::tongue:
For those of you that don't know, there is going to be an eclipse on Monday. So if you live within 2 hundred miles of the path of totality (that's eclipse talk:rolleyes:) the traffic is supposed to be terrible. To be safe and sane, stay home and cast a blank, turn it and make it into a pen. What would do with this pen you ask? Enter the CASTING contest.:biggrin:
There are people that shall go nameless like Mr Vic, that are trying to spread rumors that casting during an eclipse will give you gas. Well I say GAS ON!:eek::tongue::eek:
Ok, I am tired of bumping this thread, so I am trying my brain at the mindbender contest. Some think I should be good at that for some reason.:biggrin::rolleyes::confused::eek:
Don't forget, during the eclipse it's going to be too dark out to do anything. So go inside and cast a blank.
Man am I glad this eclipse thing is over! I was starting to believe the end of the world stuff. I was afraid we weren't going to be able to finish the CASTING CONTEST.:biggrin:
That's right, it's me again. Well, you got about 6 days left in this contest, so let's get going. And I hear there is about a day left in the 17 and under contest so get a kid to make a pen and enter that one too.
That's right, it's me again. Well, you got about 6 days left in this contest, so let's get going. And I hear there is about a day left in the 17 and under contest so get a kid to make a pen and enter that one too.

Yup... 1day left. Come on and break my email with entries. :wink:
We got about 4 days to go for the casting contest. So for those of you that have entered, if you did not get a confirmation from me then resend and also private message me. I have had one already go to my junk file and I caught it. But I go through and delete my junk file fast so I could miss something.
You know, I see a lot of people showing the pens they made from blanks they cast themselves. Instead of showing them right away, enter them. The more the merrier. And you don't want to let me off running an easy contest.:biggrin:
Don't forget to PM me if you have sent in an entry and haven't got a reply from me confirming I have received it.
And we only have about 3 days left.
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It's almost over. All the contests will be over soon so get those entries in, in whatever contest you are entering.
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