acrylic blanks

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  1. R

    Quality "acrylic" blanks

    I've been doing a lot of acrylics lately and have gotten some great advice from everyone here on my own process. Now that I've gotten the "me" problems under control, I'm starting to look a lot more critically at the blanks themselves. I know a translucent blank is always going to look...
  2. C

    Cracked Acrylic

    I've been having problems turning very hard acrylic blanks. They kept exploding. Finally got a negative rake carbide cutter. I've been able to turn them down, but the last two have ended up cracked right at the bushing. I know I didn't tighten down the 2nd one too hard because because I...
  3. Weymouta

    New to Pen Turning - Acrylic Blanks cracking???

    I recently started turning pens and really enjoy it! Two completed! I found great acrylic blanlks of my favorite Ohio State Buckeyes colors too! But . . . When drilling the hole on my drill press it seems the last 1/2" of so, the acrylic cracks or "blows out". I have read what I can find on...
  4. S

    Where do you find the best quality acrylic blanks?

    I have been searching for a great resource for high quality acrylic blanks. I have noted that Penn State has reviews on many of their blanks (awesome even if many are poor), but few other companies do. I have looked at Berea, Penn State and Woodturningz. I also am woefully ignorant:neutral...
  5. rkimery

    Another Pricing Question

    Thought first. then a question. I am a self-taught pen turner. Woodworking for over 40 years now and started something new about 3-1/2 years ago - penturning. I love it. Perhaps I am not as fast as some of the more experience turners on here. I use a CA finish on all wood pens I make...
  6. B

    scratches in acrylic blanks

    I'm having a hell of a time getting small scratches out of acrylic blanks. After shaping and a final sand with 600 grit sand paper, I move to micro mesh. After going through all the pads with water (about 30 seconds on the most course then about 20 seconds on subsequent finer grits) I have...
  7. S

    just a fun competition, name this blank

    Hi all pen lovers, I have just recently cast some new blanks and I am rather proud of one particular design, now I thought it might be a good idea to run a little competition, if I am within the forum rules to do so, I would like someone to name this blank that I have cast, because I cannot...
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