Mini Review Indy~Pen~Dance Ink Zap! hand cleaner

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Jun 29, 2012
Wilmington, MA
If you make or use fountain pens, there's one thing that's certain -- you will get ink on your fingers eventually.

I placed an order with Indy~Pen~Dance for a pen flushing kit recently, and I added a jar of Ink-Zap! on a whim, thinking it would at least be something that I could have around when things get inky, even if it's no better than the orange gloop that I normally used.

Today I cleaned up a couple of pens, and sure enough I got ink on my hands.

I followed the instructions and the Ink-Zap! worked like magic ... seriously, it got rid of every last trace of ink on my hands, left nothing in the fingerprint grooves or pores. Gone. Poof!

If you need to get some, it's HERE

Note: it is sold by weight, and the jar has a lot of space inside. I was kind of surprised at first, but reading the website again it explains it perfectly -- the space is so you can stick your fingers into it without it spilling over.

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