"Zip it, man!"

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
And woman!!

IF you have already entered your zip code, in your profile, will you help me "remind" others???

For the next week, when you post, end your post with a simple, "ZipIt".
If enough of you do this, I think the message will be hard to miss and those who have not yet "zipped" will be encouraged to do so. (Peer pressure and all that psycho-stuff)

Just another "not so subtle reminder"!!

In your UserCP, "your profile"--"edit your details"---the LAST field on that page is now your ZIP code!!

Nearly 300 voted YES they would list this information, to help us set up the "chapters" for IAP. So far, 166 (7 AM today) have done so!!

Realize there are 50 states and god knows how many countries represented in the IAP. So, until we have 500+ postal code (zip in USA) entries, this information is not real useful.

So, PLEASE, if you want to take part in a chapter (real world meeting of other IAP members and "pen-talk, show and tell"), we need LOTS of zips!!

So, take a few moments and join those who have

in their profile!!
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Does anyone else appreciate the irony of the post leader telling us to "ZIP IT" ?????

(I'd put in one of those cool gifs with a knee slap or something, but find myself technically incompetent, doh!)

That DID occur to me, Jon!! But I have come to realize every entry I make is a "diamond", so it sure wouldn't be read to imply I should "zip it":eek::eek:

For the new guys: Tongue firmly implanted in cheek!!
Ed (pushing 20,000)
Does anyone else appreciate the irony of the post leader telling us to "ZIP IT" ?????

(I'd put in one of those cool gifs with a knee slap or something, but find myself technically incompetent, doh!)

Jon, I don't know why you would say such a thing... I've never known Ed to be facetious in any of his posts........:rolleyes::rolleyes::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::smile-big:
Does anyone else appreciate the irony of the post leader telling us to "ZIP IT" ?????

(I'd put in one of those cool gifs with a knee slap or something, but find myself technically incompetent, doh!)

That DID occur to me, Jon!! But I have come to realize every entry I make is a "diamond in the rough", so it sure wouldn't be read to imply I should "zip it":eek::eek:

For the new guys: Tongue firmly implanted in cheek!!
Ed (pushing 20,000)


You don't have permission to access /forum/profile.php on this server.

That's the msg. rec'd when I attempted to enter my Postal Code in my personal details!

L1M 1A8
My first response was to check my zipper to see if it was down.

Zi pit I think thats the French way to say it..........:biggrin::biggrin:

You don't have permission to access /forum/profile.php on this server.

That's the msg. rec'd when I attempted to enter my Postal Code in my personal details!

L1M 1A8

I've explained this error a number of times. It relates to the security measures we put in place after we had the malware attack in August. Some combinations of characters trigger the filter and result in that error message.

I'm working on exempting the entire profile area.

Patience is appreciated.

You don't have permission to access /forum/profile.php on this server.

That's the msg. rec'd when I attempted to enter my Postal Code in my personal details!

L1M 1A8

I've explained this error a number of times. It relates to the security measures we put in place after we had the malware attack in August. Some combinations of characters trigger the filter and result in that error message.

I'm working on exempting the entire profile area.

Patience is appreciated.
So sorry, Jeff! Patience is my middle name!:biggrin:
May 1 progress report:

We have about 325 currently. The "best represented" state is Texas with a paltry 26!!!!

We believe there are about 2000 individual people who visit IAP at least once a month.


So, I am asking you all to keep this "in the limelight" for a while. Sure would be nice to get to HALF (around 1000), so we actually CAN locate logical spots for a chapter.

On a personal note, I hope to help start a chapter in Chicagoland. So far there are about 10 people in Illinois, no two are closer than half a hour from each other. I don't believe this is representative and I know of several IAP members who have not yet ZIPPED IT, from Chicago.

The more who participate, the better this will work!~!!!


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On a personal note, I hope to help start a chapter in Chicagoland. So far there are about 10 people in Illinois, no two are closer than half a hour from each other. I don't believe this is representative and I know of several IAP members who have not yet ZIPPED IT, from Chicago.
Let me know if/when you need help setting this up would love to get involved and help as much as I can!
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