Tom McMillan
I just looked at the rate increases at the USPS website (a PDF file of the new rates), and I'm somewhat confused. There appears to be new categories for mailing and different designations of First Class mail. There appear to be some fairly significant increases. Priority cheapest rate shows $4.60 which I know was mentioned in an earlier thread. It appears First Class letters are going to 41 cents an ounce. Then they show a Retail Flat First Class rate of 80 cents for one ounce (looks like for larger envelopes) and a retail First Class parcel rate (looks like for packages/boxes) of $1.13 for one ounce. There are also what are called discount rates??? So---does anyone have better understanding of the new rate system?? I mostly use First Class and haven't raised my shipping charge in 2 years, but will need to make sense of what I'll be charged now, and perhaps increase my charges.