So, Here's a Non-Pen
It's a crappy picture, cause I had a 10 hour power outage today and didn't feel like setting up my photo booth. I'm probably going to disassemble it and redo the finish, but the key points I'm happy about are:
1: the cap fits!
2: the double cross, is actually, the
best one I've done to date, except
that its a little small, and tight
and the contrast isn't high enough.
Thanks for any comments!
It's a crappy picture, cause I had a 10 hour power outage today and didn't feel like setting up my photo booth. I'm probably going to disassemble it and redo the finish, but the key points I'm happy about are:
1: the cap fits!
2: the double cross, is actually, the
best one I've done to date, except
that its a little small, and tight
and the contrast isn't high enough.
Thanks for any comments!