WTB Celluloid Blanks/Blocks

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Feb 26, 2021
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey everybody,
I've been wanting to try my hand with some vintage celluloid but every time I see some listed here, it's already sold. :(
I figured rather than wait for someone to make a listing and then not see it in time, I would instead just ask for what I want.
If you have any blanks or blocks that you would be looking to get rid of, please let me know what you've got and how much you'd want to get for it and hopefully we can work something out.
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It's tough stuff to find. Once you find it, it's hard to give it up. Check out Turner's Workshop in the UK. You can also find Vince on Etsy and eBay. Make sure to evaluate the diameter and opening size of the tubes before you purchase. They may or may not work for you. I just got a large shipment from Vince, and everything looks great.

Besides this, Vince also sells modern acetate, casein, vintage ceblox, vintage acrylic(Omas acrylate, Conway), etc.

It's tough stuff to find. Once you find it, it's hard to give it up. Check out Turner's Workshop in the UK. You can also find Vince on Etsy and eBay. Make sure to evaluate the diameter and opening size of the tubes before you purchase. They may or may not work for you. I just got a large shipment from Vince, and everything looks great.

Besides this, Vince also sells modern acetate, casein, vintage ceblox, vintage acrylic(Omas acrylate, Conway), etc.

Thanks, I (and by extension, my credit card) are already quite familiar with Vince. :)
Bought from Vince not long ago. Just made a Professor kit two weeks ago before I got sick. I need to put it together. If buying those type blanks be sure they will match a kit you have in mind because they are not thick. The professor kit was the best I could find that I had.
Are you looking for a specific color?
Nothing in particular. In fact, I have been actively trying to not get fixated on something specific since I know it's all a matter of what's out there for sale. That said, if you've got a stick of Impero celluloid your looking to unload, definitely let me know. ;)
If you have anything you would be willing to part with, shoot me a message and we can discuss it.
Nothing in particular. In fact, I have been actively trying to not get fixated on something specific since I know it's all a matter of what's out there for sale. That said, if you've got a stick of Impero celluloid your looking to unload, definitely let me know. ;)
If you have anything you would be willing to part with, shoot me a message and we can discuss it.
I will send you some picks via PM later today when I get home from work.
Ouch $86 buck plus $14 for shipping for a 5" blank is steep
Have you ever looked here:

I've spent some good money here in the past, on rather obscure blanks. I went overboard, I think, given how little I've been able to turn the last year+. Further, his inventory is....a little out of date, so...you need to communicate with him via email to make sure he has what you want. Further, you can ask him for stuff, like celluloid blanks, and he may well have a stockpile stuffed in a corner that is not on his site. (I don't know when he lost track of his inventory counts, but he seems to have yet to really sort it out, and given the volume, I can kind of understand why.)

In any case...he's got a lot of great exotic blanks there. Some of the celluloid/cellulose stuff is hollow, much of it came strait from classic pen manufacturers who went out of business (i.e. he has many original Conway Stewart blanks.) If you can get past the messed up inventory and need to email, he might be a gold mine of rare, classic and very hard to find blanks!


Oh, and...beware, prices are in GBP. I wasn't paying attention when I bought some years ago, and thought I had racked up a bill that ended up being some 30% or so higher than I thought. I was intending to buy a certain amount, to make the shipping cost worth it all, and ended up paying in USD a good deal more than I expected. My own fault...just, beware as you browse his site that you aren't looking at USD.
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