WOW try a search!!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Well, the new format will take some "getting used to". (for me)

However, I remember Jeff saying the search function was better, so I thought, "Find something positive to say!!"

My first attempt was an advanced search using a two-word "term" and ME as the poster!!

Thought I'd have time to refill my coffee cup, but NO, as soon as I hit SEARCH, grabbed my cup and there was a problem. So, I sat back down to look.


I think we will be able to find all the "toys"!

Thanks for the minimal "downtime", Jeff!!!
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Yep, I clearly remembered hearing Jeff talking about the strength of the search program. I took it out for a test drive yesterday evening. It's really impressive. :)
The search ain't that great folks. I tried a search for a micromesh set that was missplaced and it couldn't find it either.:mad: I guess I need to get a sent hound. :confused:

I'd a sent you a hound, who'd follow your scent, but your results probably wouldn't be WORTH a cent, looking for micromesh.

You're welcome!
The search is not quite consistent. If you search for "pen stand" it will return all threads that contain those two phrases. But it will only highlight words that match exactly. For example it will return "pen stands" but only the word "pen" will be highlighted. I also saw an example where it returned a hyphenated word but did not highlight the matching word. I think it was "stand-off" or something like that.
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