American Chestnut is an endangered species that is almost extinct due to chestnut blight. At one time it was one of the most common trees in North America. The largest remaining Chestnut grove is in Michigan! That consists of a forest of around 200 trees I believe.
Pretty sure that wormy chestnut is chestnut with worms holes in it just as it sounds. It's not that worms ate into the tree's and killed them. chestnut blight was a fungal infection on the tree's cambrium layer. The tree's were cut down or just fell down in the forests. Once on the ground, the worms come along and start doing their job of recycling the wood.
One of the interesting features of a Chestnut tree is that if you cut it down, it will re-sprout out of the stump into a full size tree again, so it was a great tree for logging, but if once the Blight came, they tried cutting down all the trees and the sprouts came up blight free until the sprouts became trees about 25 ft tall and then the blight would kick back it killing the tree.