World Wide Woodturners Zoom Meetings on Wednesday

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Feb 2, 2006
Harrisburg, PA 17112
There is a Zoom meeting of the World Wide Woodturners every Wednesday night. Not specifically for pens, but very talented group! Includes turners from UK, Germany, and Canada,
It starts about 6:00pm Central Time. People start to gather and shoot the bull about 5:30pm.
Go to the main web page, scroll down about one screen and click on "Click to go to meeting". There is a pre-meeting bull session, a Gallery, Demonstration, Gallery (if time). The meeting lasts until 9:00pm CT and there is an after meeting running session until the last person leaves.
World Wide Woodturners is a group of woodturners interested in sharing all aspects of woodturning. This is NOT a "club"! It is a gathering of woodturners who want to share their knowledge and techniques. There are no dues, few rules, and the members are helpful to a fault. There are many turners from other countries that attend. Each meeting is different. There is a bull session before the meeting, Gallery of items shown by their makers, a Demonstration by a member, more Gallery, and a closing session that lasts long into the night (until the last person leaves).
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