Well we all know how quiet Jeff is and how he hides his emotions and thoughts so he must be jumping up and down inside. His second article in a series of articles he is partaking in for the scrollsaw magazine Creative Woodworks & Crafts has hit the stands. It is the September 2009 issue. In it there is quite a write-up about this talented member of ours. It is very well done and in it there is some background on Jeff's life, photos of him and his shop which is well layed out. He is in the midst of showing and explaining some of his techniques for making some of the exciting pen blanks he continues to show us all here. Now this magazine has done articles on pen turning in the past and they are or were very well done and I expect this series to be no different. The writing crew and photo crew are very talented in their own right. So I look forward to reading the entire series of articles as they come out over the course of the year. I know he wont toot his own horn but I think someone should so toot toot.:biggrin:
Being a scrollsaw fan and user for many years I appreciate the work you turn out Jeff as I am sure many others do too. I can say I am not at all proficient with the intarsia aspect of the hobby. I lack the 3D gene in my brain to visulize the objects that is required when doing such work. :biggrin: I have a favor to ask of you, Jeff. In the article you show off some of your intarsia work and all projects are spetacular but the one that stands out head and shoulders is the one you won numerous awards with and that is the one you call " Royal Entourage ". That is probably the best intarsia piece I have seen and I have seen many. The favor I am asking is can you post some close up photos of this piece and give us all the treat of viewing it large size???? What attracted me to the piece right off the mark was the frame and how well it went with the piece. That is spetacular.
Hopefully others can find this issue in some bookstore and take a look. Well worth it. As I said Jeff I will continue to look forward to the rest of the series and I know it will be well done. Thanks for sharing and hopefully you can post the photos.
Being a scrollsaw fan and user for many years I appreciate the work you turn out Jeff as I am sure many others do too. I can say I am not at all proficient with the intarsia aspect of the hobby. I lack the 3D gene in my brain to visulize the objects that is required when doing such work. :biggrin: I have a favor to ask of you, Jeff. In the article you show off some of your intarsia work and all projects are spetacular but the one that stands out head and shoulders is the one you won numerous awards with and that is the one you call " Royal Entourage ". That is probably the best intarsia piece I have seen and I have seen many. The favor I am asking is can you post some close up photos of this piece and give us all the treat of viewing it large size???? What attracted me to the piece right off the mark was the frame and how well it went with the piece. That is spetacular.
Hopefully others can find this issue in some bookstore and take a look. Well worth it. As I said Jeff I will continue to look forward to the rest of the series and I know it will be well done. Thanks for sharing and hopefully you can post the photos.