work bench finish advise

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jack barnes

Aug 5, 2005
Springfield, Ma.
I finally got all the pieces of the work bench I'm in the middle of building, cut out. I was getting ready to stain them, when my grandson came over, he wants me to paint it red and black. He is only 12 years old. From the time he was 6 he has always been down in the shop helping me, he turned 1 pen a couple years ago. Do I paint it or stain it? He thinks Gramppa can do nothing wrong, that is what makes it hard.

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Can you put a piece of quarter inch ply on top of the bench and paint it checkerboard? Secure it with a couple brads or screws that can easily be removed, take it off to reveal your stained top when you want to do anything where it matters.

Meanwhile the cheap plywood top will protect your "pretty" top and give your bench longer life.
I always put down 1/8'' hardboard. This will won't protect from heavy pounding, but it leaves a very smooth surface and can easily be taken off if damaged or you can just put another layer on. This won't help if you are using Ed's idea, just thought it was a good tip.
I saw Norm build a bench and he too put hardboard on the top. He also put a lip aroung the outside so the hardboard wouldn't have to be nailed/screwed down.
Ed I got the plan for the bench off (I don't know how to do links) the free one, with just a plain top.
I used furniture grade plywood and birch for the trim and drawers and doors. My grandson wants to paint the it all.

Why red and black? Are they school colors or favorite team colors or just his personal favorites? Anyway, if he has that much interest I say go for it. The bench can always be stripped and refinished if the interest wains!
That's a beaut!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe this will help:


Original picture from - no charge for the advertising!

The top can still have an overlay (take it off to use all the nice built-in features) IF he figures out that this is NOT the way it was built, remind him that black and red BOTH absorb light, so your overhead fixtures are no where near as efficient - so you have to be able to remove it for "fine work".

All the parts that are painted are flat, therefore, more easily stripped (someday) to return to stained. Also not as expensive to just replace, if you can't strip in the future.

After he sees the picture, he MAY realize how much nicer it looked in the pic on the website!!!

Brilliant solution!!! Gramps can spend MORE time with him, everybody comes out ahead!!!

Remember, tho' Make the legs out of stretchable wood - at 12, he will start to get taller every day!!!!

Good luck and have fun!!!
Well I finished the bench today. It turned out IMOP great, it was a lot more detailed then what I thought. It's a little higher then I like. I normally like my lathes at the height where my elbows are the same height of what I'm turning, now they (lathes) are about 3 in. higher. The cost was double of what I planed on, but didn't want to cut corners so I followed the plans pretty close.
The next thing I've got to do is help my grandson with his bench as I agreed to do.

Jack, I have to tell you I'm quite jealous. My older grandchildren are at or reaching the age where they could be in the shop with me, but I'm here and they're all in Texas so I have to wait until I can get a transfer or retire. Good for you. Really. I was lucky enough to spend a great deal of time with my grandfather and I cherished every moment. And I can't wait to do the same with mine. All 11 or however many they end up being.:D
Rick I can take photos but I've never figured out the posting of pictures thing, tried a few times and it never worked for me so I give up.
Billy I've been very lucky so far with my grand son, but the day is coming soon that will end as we're retiring to New Mexico in a year and half. I'm going to miss the hell out of him, but like you I have 2 grandsons in Texas and need to be near them so they can know grandma and gramppa too.

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