I enjoyed meeting so many members of the IAP at the show Saturday and Sunday. The turners booth was right next to the Craft Supplies booth, and we had 4 lathes going non stop all day Saturday with demos. We had many enthusiastic folks who wanted more information about the IAP, and we were happy to direct them to the website, and I hope we get a few new faces logged on from Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, as I met folks from all three states.
The show was very well attended both Saturday and Sunday. Saturdays crowd was strong all day long, and the Sunday crowd was a very early crowd and by 2pm, it was dead. They had many vendors sell out of items and were shipping orders, so I hope the vendors did well.
There were not as many vendors there as years past, but most of the usual suspects were represented. The woodworking clubs had a very good representation, and there were beautiful pieces completed by a variety of wood disciplines.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hello!