Old Codger
I've used Woodcraft for several years and have ordered lots of items from their headquarters as well as their local store (Seattle, Wa.) and have never been disappointed until the past 3 or 4 months from the headquarters store... I was spoiled in the past by an immediate acknowlegement of my order, shipping confirmation and fast shipping/service... NOT so for the past 3 or 4 months! The orders are shipped, but not confirmation even after several emails to ensure order has been placed and the shipments have been really slow compared to other vendors... Anyone else having the same issues? Woodcraft has been my #1 vendor for turning products but... The local Seattle Woodcraft store is absolutely amazing for service and shipping times and I couldn't possibly be happier, but the headquarters store is...well, rather lacking. What gives and has anyone else had the same or similar issues? I want to remain a Woodcraft fan but...