Deja vu.... I remember when I was into case modding, and all computers were beige. You spent the time and effort to get a mirror finish on your case, and had something truly unique. Then cases came with factory paint jobs, then lights, then all of the bells and whistles it used to take time, knowledge and skill to have in your computer... It ruined the hobby, uless you decided to go to the incredible extreme. And I'll admit- I never had the interest, the time, or the imagination to create something uber unique.
I kinda feel that the same thing is happening now. I've learned a lot, and have expended my skill set to make better and more unique pens. Personally, I try to make ass much as I can myself. So for instance, I've made a few worthless wood blanks and have more in the works. I think it does take time and still to make a really great blank, and it's frustrating when any yo yo can walk into a WC or Rockler and get something similar. And to the casual consumer, it's the same.
I still don't agree that once you do something, no one else can do that- or something similar (I myself make my own worthless wood blanks, though I'll admit they're not on par with Tex's blanks). But I understand the frustration. When things like this get mass produced, regardless of the comparative quality, it makes the original item/ technique seem more common and less valuable. A bummer, really.