Wood ?

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Feb 13, 2025
Lille (France)

What is this variety of wood ? Cocobolo ? Rosewood ? ( given by a friend )
It smells the medicine when you saw it!
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I concur with Eric (Sylvanite) that it looks like Tulipwood, Brazilian Tulipwood, not the American Tulipwood (Yellow Poplar). Brazilian Tulipwood is a Dalbergia genus so it is a rosewood and like many rosewoods it is considered as an allergy sensitizer (you can develop an allergy to it by long term exposure). Also like many rosewoods, it also has a mild, fragrant odor when being worked - often called rose-like. - Dave
It could maybe be Canarywood like Markus (SabertoothBunny) suggested as well. Canarywood has been said to have a distinct, sweet, fruity odor when being worked.

Maybe you can do a fingernail test? Tulipwood is very hard compared with Canarywood (almost double on the Janka Scale) so if you can make a dent in it it would likely be Canarywood. I think it would be hard to determine the difference based on weight though. Tulipwood is just a little heavier at about 60 lbs per cubic foot where Canarywood is only about 50 lbs. If you have a black light you might see if it has faint to medium yellow streaks which would indicate Canarywood. Tulipwood generally does not glow under a black light. Tulipwood usually also has a finer, more uniform grain where Canarywood usually has a more pronounced grain pattern with visible streaks. (Canarywood is also generally more readily available than Brazilian Tulipwood - as someone already noted, Tulipwood is listed in CITES because it is a true rosewood but Canarywood is not).

If all else fails, Heads = Canarywood / Tails = Tulipwood.

Seeing that beautiful finished product, I'll toss in my vote for Brazilian Tulipwood as well. I have a fair amount of Canarywwod, but this stuff is a bit different than all the varieties of Canarywood I have. Looks more like Brazilian Tulipwood, especially with that redder color and the more widely spaced rings.
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