Wood Id: What wood is this? Brown reclaimed wood?

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Aug 12, 2021
I need a wood id on the below. It seems to be some kind of reclaimed wood...its somewhat dirty and there are arks of it being used before. Maybe it was just doused in dirty water at some point, not sure. In any case, its a lighter weight wood, seems a little on the softer side. Has a strait slightly open grain. Grain is fairly large, clearly visible on the end grain. I am not sure if the color pictured, is indeed the true color of the wood, or just weathered by something (I can probably give it a bit of sanding to better reveal the grain, in fact.)

Ok, I sanded it down a bit. I'm starting to think its Khaya, but I need to clean up the sanding dust here (can't find my DNA right now.) I think, based on the weight and the way the grain looks once its sanded down, that its Khaya (african mahogany). It was not waxed...its just...dirty, for some reason. Dunno where they got it, I think they just dumped blanks into a bag until it hit 5lb in weight.
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