Well I answered a Craigslist add for wood cutoffs and went to see the gentleman about what he had to offer. He said he turns golf club shafts from hickory as well as columns that are 12' in length on this monster lathe. also does other columns that twist (forgot the name) and I was in awe of his lathe. His cutoffs were about 100 pieces of hickory about 6 inches long and with some nice coloring in them. I asked how much and he said $5.00 for the bag so without hesitation I bought them, now I am saying to myself ""Self what the heck are you going to do with this much hickory?" I figured it would give me alot to experiment with and not ruin some better woods and who knows maybe someone else may need some hickory pens or other things. As soon as I get pics they will be here.
Pictures added for your enjoyment
Pictures added for your enjoyment
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