I tried so hard, couldn't meet my goal, but did manage to sell a pen. Sold several pen blanks, but only one pen and my throat is sore. The crowd was way smaller than I've ever seen it and everyone of course there is a woodworker so all they wanted was to see what I do and to receive a seminar on how to make my pens. How how how. Good thing I knew how it would be going in and had a good time, met some new people, had a new magazine offering and handed out lots of business cards. It really is a fun show, but I would do it much different next time around. Next time I'd just bring a couple dozen pens and a couple intarsias. I'd bring my lathe and press and do seminars. Be much easier to just show then tell, and no doubt more fun to be turning something while I'm there. ...actually what am I saying..they would have provided me the lathe and press, I just needed to bring all my accessories for the lathe and pens.